Chapter 119: An Experienced and Skilled Player

Start from the beginning

"You weren't expecting that to happen--"

"You motherfucker!"

Noxious took Blackfire out from the ground, and he charged straight towards Lord Sparrow. As he did so, Lord Sparrow quickly turned and he looked back at the Inquisitor.


Lord Sparrow then held out the open palm of his right hand back at Noxious, and instantly black winds ripped out from the open palmed right hand of Lord Sparrow. Instantly, when the Black Winds got close to Noxious he attempted to plant Blackfire back into the ground. However, he was too slow compared to Lord Sparrow. Noxious then flew back with the black winds, with Blackfire no longer being gripped by his hands but flying with him. Noxious only stopped flying backwards when his back hit the stone brick wall of the room. Noxious' head was moving slightly in a rotating motion as Noxious was dizzy.

"Uhhhh--you're not getting away with--"
Suddenly, stone bricks that made the roof of the vortex room collapsed onto the top of the Inquisitor, quickly burying him in rubble. Omega shook his head, and he sheathed Durandal into the scabbard at his right side.

"Yeah I'm getting into the middle of this fight, you can't just beat two Inquisitors and get away with it!"

Lord Sparrow then turned his head and he looked forward, he watched Omega. Omega proceeded to move in the motion of a baseball pitcher, and out from his right hand he threw a white glowing ball made of white flames that was the size of a baseball straight for Lord Sparrow.

"Ohhhh---look at this! Some guy that I never met before and never got the pleasure of knowing is attempting to fight me! Oh how typical of pathetic humans! All I have to do is dodge the damn thing!"

Lord Sparrow quickly moved out of the way of the white glowing ball made of white flames, and the white glowing ball quickly flew past him. Omega grunted when he saw that Lord Sparrow dodge the white baseball shaped ball, and he quickly threw another one.

"Try dodging that asshole!" Omega yelled.

Lord Sparrow chuckled at the sight of seeing the Inquisitor Omega be annoyed with him, and he watched as one of the Black serpents from behind his back moved in front of him.

"I don't even have to dodge this ball."

Omega then watched as the Black serpent opened its mouth, and quickly moved its mouth so where the white ball would enter its mouth. As the white ball entered the mouth of the serpent, the black serpent would quickly shut its mouth. Omega watched as he could see a slight bump occur in the throat of the serpent, and white flames that blazed around the outside of the snakes mouth.

"You see Inquisitor! I'm stronger than every single one of you combined! I don't have to think up some majestic thing here--" Lord Sparrow was flicking his index finger at the three Inquisitors who were still standing. "In fact I--"

"I'm not fucking done yet!"

Noxious yelled from the top of his lungs as he stood on top of the rubble. Lord Sparrow turned his head and he looked at the Inquisitor in confusion, then suddenly Noxious was knocked back to the ground by Jingks, who was thrown at Noxious by the serpent that was wrapped around him.

"Simply put, you're done for today."

Paladin quickly sheathed Excalibur into the scabbard at his right side, and he quickly held out both of his hand's open palms at Lord Sparrow.

"School of Light, Golden Pyramid."

Suddenly, a golden pyramid appeared around Lord Sparrow and completely encased him, the Black serpents, and the Black vortex that he was standing around. Lord Sparrow smirked as he saw the Lord Inquisitor, Paladin, attempt to fight against him.

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