Chapter 2: Soulmates

Start from the beginning

He removed her hold from his arm and turned his back on her. Before he disappeared from the door, he uttered one sentence which broke her world once more.

"I don't love you anymore."

Not believing him, she chased him towards the street, the harsh raindrops mixing with her tears. She even fell down when she tripped on a rock protruding on the side of the road. She always tripped there, because she was clumsy and her husband was always there to catch her. But this time, her body crashed painfully on the ground and even though it was painful, even though her bones almost cracked and rattled from the impact, her husband did not turn back and just kept walking.

She yelled, screamed, begged, and cried; the neighbors coming out to see what the commotion is all about but she does not care. Because her happiness, her world, he's leaving her. When he said he doesn't love her anymore…that was a lie! She knew it. He's an honest man so it's obvious when he's lying. He's so bad at it.

Groaning, she lifted her head while still sprawled on the ground.

The rain painfully showers her with the bitter reality, her tears are harsh like the falling crystals as she gasps when she sees him going to the car…with a woman holding an umbrella for him…

'That woman looked so beautiful.'

He's honest, respectful, and kind.

He had never lied to her.

She went home soaking wet, her white dress now covered in dirt and mud. She left wet trails from the doorway to the kitchen, now seated on one of the chairs on the table and blank eyes staring at the chair where her husband was usually seated. Her form is shivering, but she barely paid it any attention.

What will she do now?

"Mom?" A familiar voice called from the doorway, snapping her out of her reverie. Who's that? Did he come back? That voice…no, it doesn't have the roughness of her husband's voice. It sounded soft, identical to the voice of their son.



That's right. Yibo. What about Yibo? What will happen to Yibo? Another batch of tears gathered on her eyes, she wiped them furiously and stood up with aching legs, welcoming her teenage child with a forced smile. Her knees are red, arms full of scratches, and one of her elbows is bleeding.

"Welcome home, Xiao Yi. Did you get wet?"

Yibo furrowed his eyebrows before he rushed towards her. He frowned when he noticed the wet trails on the floor, puzzled at the sight. He looks like his father, even the way Yibo brushed her cheeks made her remember her husband. Yibo hovered above her frantically, worried eyes scanning her whole form.

"Mom? What happened?!"

That's right. She still has Yibo. Ever since she gave birth to this child, to their child, he became her new world. She promised she will raise him with her heart full of compassion. She will never let him feel like he was never loved.

Even though her husband, the protector of the house left…

Surely, Yibo would still stay with her right?



It's cold.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Present Time

Xiao Zhan's best friend, Wang Yibo, had just turned eighteen.

The day he never wanted to happen so soon.

He and their circle of friends sang a birthday song earlier, congratulated him after, then the gifts were given. It was a joyous occasion, but to Xiao Zhan, it was more like the doomsday. He was exaggerating he knows, but it really felt like it because he knows he's not the one who's at the end of Yibo's red string.

He quietly sips his yogurt drink, watching the others chattering over some liquors. He dazedly stared at the fizzy beverages on his friends' hands, considering having a drink or two. He has a low alcohol tolerance, one glass can already make him see the wonders of the universe but surely, he can have a drink in this case right? He can drink his miseries away right? This will be the last time that he can hang out with Yibo because he will be busy looking for his soulmate after all.

He took another sip of his yogurt drink before his eyes darted to the single bottle of alcohol on the table placed in front of him. He swallowed before putting down his yogurt drink, shifting his eyes to the beer bottle.

Just one…

Before he can grab it, a hand took it away.


Why is he so unlucky?!

The stranger, wait, not a stranger but Yibo, took the beer away and handed him a juice pouch. "Since when did you drink?"

Surprised, he took it and smiled, eyes crinkling into moons, "Hey, Yibo hahaha! What are you doing here?"

Yibo raised an eyebrow and sat down beside him, Xiao Zhan scooted away at that, "This is my party. Why wouldn't I be here?" Then he chugged the beer he took away from Xiao Zhan, sighing in relief after.

Xiao Zhan's lips twitched, opening the juice pouch without hurry, "I mean, why are you suddenly here? Go and play over there." He throws a glance on the crowd of men and women happily laughing in one corner of the room.

Yibo scowled and leaned on the couch they are seated on, "What do you mean play? Do I look like a kid to you?"

Xiao Zhan made a face, "Well, you act like you're seven sometimes."

The slightly smaller man glared, raising a hand menacingly as if to take back the juice pouch. Xiao Zhan noticed what he was trying to do and immediately turned away, holding the juice pouch to his chest protectively.

"What are you doing!"

Yibo smirked, amused at his reaction, "I should be the one asking that." He lifts his other arm which is holding the beer bottle, dangling it in front of the other's face, "You're not even eighteen yet. What made you think you can drink?"

"A-Ah? It's only a month before I turn eighteen." Xiao Zhan nervously fiddled with his juice, not meeting the other's gaze.

Yibo chuckles and chugged the remaining content of the bottle, "Yes. So you're still a month too early to drink this."

"Why you–" Xiao Zhan punched his side repeatedly, eyes wide and teeth gritted in mock irritation. Yibo laughed and tried to pull away but Xiao Zhan grabbed the back of his shirt and delivered a small smack on his shoulder, "Ow! Why did you suddenly hit me?"

"Payback for all those times you hit me for no reason." Xiao Zhan huffs, settling back to his seat. He watches Yibo with the corner of his eyes, putting the juice pouch on his lips and hiding a small smile.

After that, Yibo stayed quiet.

Not that he is always noisy. It just started being like that after his father left. But it is strange because in Xiao Zhan's presence, the other has always been talkative. That doesn't mean he hates it though because Xiao Zhan is someone who finds solace in silence. 

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the comfortable silence between them.

Until Yibo broke it with an unexpected confession.

"Yu Bin is the one at the end of my string. He's my soulmate."

Xiao Zhan suddenly forgot how to breathe.

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