~ Cheyenne ~

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*Cheyenne's POV*

"Almost ready?" My mom called up from the stairs.

"Yep!" I was just finishing my makeup up for my date with Niall. Today was our 1 year anniversary. I looked in my full length mirror and smiled in approval. My brown hair was curled to perfection. My eyes were rimmed in a navy blue eye liner and finished off with mascara. I wore a black and navy dress that came a bit above me knee and i had silver heels on. i looked and felt beautiful. Tonight was going to be amazing. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs to see Niall and my mother having a conversation and my sisters fighting over a doll. The minute I hit the bottom step, all eyes were on me.

"H-How do I look?" I broke the silence.

"Stunning" Niall smirked as he can over and took my arm. He leaned in and placed his lips lightly on my cheek. I felt my cheeks heat up instantly. My mom looked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Have fun" Niall smiled at her as he said

"Don't worry, we will" I had now noticed what Niall was wearing. He had on stone coloured chinos with a black polo. He looked very good.

Soon enough we were at the restaurant and the waitress came to take our order. She obviously had a thing for Niall because she was flirting hardcore. I was pissed, but I relaxed a little when I saw Niall was looking at me the whole time. In her attempts to "get his attention" she "dropped" the menus. I rolled my eyes as she bent over with her ass facing our table. Just lovely. Niall paid no attention, but I did. She was wearing these super right black pants and clearly, she was a little to big for them. Just as she reached the ground, her pants ripped. I burst out laughing and all eyes were on me. The waitress turned around and her face was bright red. I laughed even harder, Niall turned towards her and started laughing to. She stormed away with the menus over her backside.

"That was entertaining" Niall said after our laughing fits were over.

"You're telling me" I smiled


We finished our meals and left the restaurant. Niall took me on a walk downtown. We stopped in front of an aquarium. I looked at Niall for an explanation, but he just pulled me into the building. It must've have been just about closing time, I looked at my watch 8:30. We had about an hour,

"Niall, it's going to close soon!"

He ignored me. Great. He took me into this room where the glass covered the roof and the fish were swimming over us. Niall wrapped his arm around my hip and pulled me closer to him. I blushed.

"Niall, it's beautiful" I looked all around. There were sharks, jelly fish, seahorses, and anything you can possibly imagine. The tank was lit up, so the rest of the room seemed gloomy, but there was billions of colours. No one else was in the room, which I assumed is because it was almost closing time.

"I know you are" Niall spoke into my ear. Chills ran up and down my spine. "Cheyenne.."

"Yes?" I spoke quietly as he rubbed circles into my hip.

"I love you" he smiled at me.

"I love you too Nia-" I was cut of by him kissing me. He moved his hands onto my waist and lifted me on his lap so I was straddling him. It wasn't a heated kiss, but more of a long and passionate kiss. He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"I mean it" brushed his lips against my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder

"I did too" I mumbled into his chest. I would definitely remember this day forever.


Hey everyone (:

Read the first chapter for info on how to get a one shot!

Read my fanfic There's No Map To Destiny !!

Read, comment, and fan <3

~ Love & kisses xx

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