Part 5 - Touchdown.

Start from the beginning

"Nath, you'll be fine" Sim smiled from the gap in-between her and Siva's chairs, 

"Nathan, the more you get yourself worked up about it the worse it'll be, if you calm down you'll be fine" I whispered quietly, slowly his eyes opened, his fists became unclenched.  

"You sure?" he spoke, his nose still scrunched up, 

"Yes I'm sure, here, take my hand" I offered, Nathan moved his hand from his side to mine, "I'm here" I added as I intertwined my fingers with his.  

"Thanks JJ" he smiled, turning to face me. A bit of colour had rushed back to his face but he was still pale.  

"Could all passengers place the tables up and make sure they're seatbelt is clipped in, we're aiming to land shortly... Thank you" a mans voice this time, rang through the speakers.  

"Lets do this together" I smiled at Nathan, 

"Lets go" he whispered.

*Loty's POV* 

"Jade's doing a good job for a first time" Jay smiled, 

"He's always been like this?" I questioned, 

"He's always been fine with take off but landing he spazs out. He works himself up" Jay explained. 

"Well, Jades handled it" I smiled at the pair sitting diagonal from us,  

"Yep" Jay chuckled, "I just can't wait to spend some time with you beautiful" he whispered, kissing my cheek.  

"I love you Jay" I smiled, turning to kiss his lips, 

"I love you too Loty" he mumbled, pressing his lips to mine before returning to facing forward, my head rested against his shoulder.

*Charley's POV*

"Charls, wake up babe. We're here." Max's smooth voice entered my brain.


We're here?


"I'm awake!" I yawned, unclipping my seatbelt and standing up, nearly falling straight back due to standing up so quickly...,

"Careful beautiful" Max chuckled at my eagerness... He handed me my bag and we exited the plane, we were the last couple off, other than some business man in a suit in stuff... To be honest he looked like a twat too far up his own backside. But I guess I'll never know.

"And, sleeping beauty awakes" Tom joked as I walked off the plane,

"Shut up Tom" I reacted, sharply.

One thing that these lots should of learnt over the past year is that you should never mess with me just after I've woken up. I'm a bitch at times like this.

"Tom, mate. Leave her alone" Max stuck up for me as he walked up behind me.

"Alright then, be like that" Tom huffed. He reacts to things different now he's not with Charlotte... Char made him happy but without her he's a bit of a dick to be fair. They need to sort it out and get it back together. I'm pretty sure Tom let a few tears flow when the pair decided to take a break. That night Charlotte slept in Jade's room and Tom locked himself in his and Charlotte's room. I guess that's how much he cared for her, he really should of thought about that though.

*Sim's POV*

"It's amazing!" I squealed, as we arrived outside the hotel, Siva behind me,

"Yeah it is" he agreed,

"Would you two lovebirds like to come and take your bags?" Nathan laughed,

"You haven't seen you and Jade mate" Siva chuckled, turning round and facing the others,

"Yeah" I giggled, poking my tongue out at them...

"You're so immature" Loty laughed,

"You can't talk either Loty!" Jay chuckled, poking her sides.

"Jay, you're supposed to be on my side" she moaned, throwing a mini tantrum.

"This is why you're immature" Charley giggled, she's woken up properly now.

"I'm shattered" I moaned, jet lag kicking in.

"Lets go get our room keys then. We meeting for dinner later?"Max asked,

"Yep, don't see why not" Tom muttered, walking ahead. He's all alone this holiday so we'll have to make sure we don't leave him out, otherwise this would be a bit pointless for him.

"I'm not tired" Charley moaned, pulling her suitcase behind her,

"Neither am I" Loty joined in, moaning again.

"You never stop moaning do you?" Siva laughed,

"Nope" Loty giggled,

"Loty, why don't we go drop our bags off get changed and go to the pool whilst these lazy twats sleep?" Charley suggested

"Sounds like a plan" she smiled, "let's go!"

And with that we made our way through the massive doors and into the main reception of the hotels where we were given our keys. We were all on the top floor in the bigger rooms, surprise surprise.

"I'll meet you at you're room?" Loty spoke, facing Charley,

"Alrighty then" she smiled, stepping out of the lift on the 7th floor, walking off to her room, the first of the five rooms, Max following behind. Next was Tom on his own, then Jay and Loty, Nathan and Jade in the fourth leaving me and Siva in the one at the far end.


Let me sleep.

*Loty's POV*

"BIRD!" I shouted, running into the bathroom.


"This is massive" I breathed, Jay collapsing on the bed next to me. Not to mention that this is the second most comfiest bed I've laid on. First being the one at home; I hate leaving that thing of a morning.

"You really should get ready" Jay told me,

"Yeah but someone's got to text Charlotte, let her know we're here and in one piece as well as ask her how she is"I told him,

"True, use my phone" He told me, handing me it,

"Thanks Jay" I smiled, rolling over taking the phone and kissing his cheek.

I pulled Charlotte's contact name up and started typing a message...

To Charlotte:

Hiya Char,

Just letting you know we're all out here safe and in one piece, a few tantrums on the way but we're here.

Hope you're alright and we all miss you loads.

-Especially Tom, he's got really moody since you left the other day.

I'll give you a call later yeah? Time difference is crap-.-

Love you lots!

-Loty X

I clicked send and threw the phone next to Jay had just closed his eyes, falling into deep sleep. I grabbed my bikini as well as a towel and sun cream before going into the bathroom and getting changed.

Hopefully this will all go to plan.

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