A Weird Feeling

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All of a sudden Bryan started to get a feeling that not everything was going to go okay today, he felt like something was going to go wrong but he didn't know what

"Bryan are you okay?" Rockstar Freddy asked

"Yes, why?" Bryan replied

"It was just you were staring off into space..." Rockstar Freddy said

all of a sudden there was a loud crash and it came from the candy shop Reddy had accidentally knocked over a shelf 

"Reddy!" Davis said before running into the candy shop who was then followed by Jon and Bryan

"Sorry..." Reddy said looking down at the ground

"It's okay Reddy accidents happen," Bryan said, "What were you trying to reach?" 

"The candy on the top shelf." Reddy said "It looked a lot like the ones Jubper used to give me! it was yellow!"

"Reddy please ask for help next time you try to reach for something that is very high up," Jon said

"Okay boss man," Reddy said while nodding

Bryan found some yellow candy that matched Reddy's description and asked: "Is this what you were trying to reach Reddy?"  

"Yes! that is candy I was trying to reach!" Reddy said

Bryan gave Reddy the candy and Reddy smiled at him 

"Thank you," Reddy said

"No problem Reddy," Bryan said 

Reddy went to talk to the other animatronics

"Do you want to show me and Davis around and talk for a bit?" Jon asked

"Sure" Bryan replied

Bryan, Jon and Davis walked away

"So Bryan how is everything been going?" Jon asked

"Everything is alright, Helpy is still stealing my credit card but that's nothing new and uh I still keep seeing Molten but I guess I have gotten used to it," Bryan replied

"Huh, anything else being going on?" Jon asked

"Well..." Bryan stopped walking "There is this animatronic that keeps... visiting? I guess, he told me his name was Twisted Wolf..."

"Twisted Wolf?" Davis asked "Never heard of that animatronic before,"

"Neither have I," Jon said

"I'm guessing he looks like a wolf?" Davis asked

"Yes, he looks like a wolf," Bryan replied

"Anyway give us a tour of your theme park!" Jon said

"Oh yes, the tour haha! I got completely distracted!" Bryan laughed "Well you have already seen the main shop area so let's go to foxy's area,"

Bryan led Davis and Jon to Foxy's area of the theme park



"The others are in danger Bryan~"

"You need to hurry Bryan~"

"You don't want them to get hurt do you Bryan?~"

"Hurry up and save them~"

"You don't want them to get hurt again Bryan do you?~"

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