Chapter 14 - Mating

Start from the beginning

She stood and began pacing the room, perhaps that's what she should do? She should give in to her desires, let him give in to his? To be honest she was barely keeping it together when she was around him as it was, every touch, every look they drove her to distraction.

She must have been pacing for a while because Ryder was suddenly out of the shower wearing just a pair of boxers.

"Ryder." His name was nothing but a tortured moan as she took in his beautiful body.

"Ina, don't."

"Let's just do it, let's mate." She said taking a step toward him but he stepped back the gesture hurting her more than she thought it could.

"Heart, do you even know what mating is?" He asked her.

"I...I – sex?" She stammered, he smiled at her broadly and stepped toward her not close enough to touch her but close enough she could already start to feel her skin begin to hum.

"Not just sex Ina." He laughed a little then. "Don't get me wrong the fact you want to have sex with me, well..." he gestured toward his growing member, she felt her panties dampen. "Eyes up Ina." He laughed at her.

"You pointed it out." She huffed trying to stop her thoughts from drifting to how good it would feel to have him inside her-

"Ina." He growled in warning.

"Sorry." She said a little breathlessly. He took her hand and guided her over to their bed, he sat close to her but only their hands touched.

"You're right there is sex involved, but when we are both about to climax I have to bite you right here." He stroked the crook of her neck where Ryder usually tucked his head when he was holding her. "The bite will make you mine, heart, body and soul forever. Once mated you cannot take it back, the only way the bond can be broken is in death." He whispered to her still stroking the crook of her neck softly as he spoke. "You're human and I don't want to push you into anything you're not ready for."

"So if I were a wolf?"

"It's different we know about mates from a young age, we understand the bond, we know that there is no one else in this life time that will ever make us as happy as our mate." He smiled at her.

"You didn't answer Ryder, if I were a wolf, would we have mated by now?" She asked more firmly, he sighed thinking hard before he answered.

"If you were a wolf I would have claimed you the first night I found you."

"Wait, you said wolves knew about mates, that they understood the bond does that mean they would know straight away if they found their mate?" She asked remembering back to the encounter with Isabella and Kylan.

"Yes, I know that you feel our bond, but for wolves it will be stronger, undeniable, where your bond to me is growing for wolf mates it is instant." He wore a puzzled look but she ignored it.

"So why would a wolf deny that they had found their mate?"

"They wouldn't." Ryder answered as if her question had been stupid.

"But Isabella did." She mumbled to herself.

"Ina, heart, what are you talking about." He asked as he stood and began to pull back the covers gesturing for her to get in the bed, which she did without thought with Ryder following.

"I met a woman called Isabella today, she came back to the pack house with me and when Kylan came in the kitchen he just said 'mate' and couldn't take his eyes off her."

"Thank the Goddess, he needs a mate." Ryder chuckled.

"No but when he said it she just said 'nope' and then basically ran away."

"Are you sure he said 'mate'?" Ryder sounded as confused as she felt.

"Definitely, you should have seen them Ryder, even though she was denying it I watched her eyes turn gold like yours do sometimes the air was electric and yet she ran."

Ryder leaned over and turned the lights off, she could just about make him out in the darkness but she knew that he could see her. Ryder pulled her against his body, she sighed at the contact and wrapped her arm around his neck whilst hooking her leg over his. Ryder's hand moved down to her thigh and pulled her more flush against him pressing his erection against her mound. She moaned at the contact and pressed herself harder against him as he began to kiss the sensitive part of her neck.

"I want to find her." She managed to say even though he was driving her body to distraction as he began to thrust gently against her.

"Then we will heart." He told her continuing his movements but raising his head so she could make out his handsome features now that her eyes were becoming accustomed to the dark. He moved his head forward and captured her mouth with his, her body felt like it was on fire and she couldn't help the whimper of pleasure that left her mouth giving his tongue full access which she welcomed.

He growled in satisfaction and rolled them over so he was atop her grinding his hard on against her damp panties as he deepened the kiss. Alina wrapped her legs around him pulling him closer for more friction, the man was driving her insane. She thrust her hands in to his hair trying to gain back some control as he moved his hips in a circular motion against her.

"Ryder." She breathed out his name between kisses.

"Yes heart." He asked moving his head back down to the crook of her neck nibbling against the tender skin.

"We can still have sex without the mating part right?" He stopped his movement causing her to growl at the lack of friction.

"We can, but we won't." He told her finally moving against her again.

"Why? You do want me, right?" She hated how weak she sounded even to her own ears. He pushed himself more firmly against her.

"You know I do heart." He leaned down and kissed her briefly not stopping his movements, she wasn't sure whether she was pleased, frustrated or angry with it. "I want the first time I'm inside you to be when I claim you." Just his words had her body thrumming with anticipation. He suddenly rolled them over and shifted her so she was straddling him before he sat them both up.

He continued to kiss her one of his hands thrusting into her hair as his other had cupped her backside urging her to move against him which she did willingly. When she started moving he moved the hand from her backside to her thigh and slowly began to trail it's way toward her sex. In what felt like an eternity finally his hand cupped her through her went panties. "You're so wet for me heart." He mumbled against her mouth as he back to stroke her through the material.

"Ryder." She gasped against him when he pushed the material aside and let his fingers trail against her wet lips.

"There are other ways we can make each other feel good." His voice was husky as he pushed one of his fingers inside of her. "Do you want me to make you feel good heart?" He asked as his thumb found her sensitive bud and his finger began to move in and out of her in long strokes.

"Please." Was all she managed to say as she began rocking against his hand.

"Say the words Ina, I want to hear you say them."

"I want you to make me feel good Ryder, fuck please." 

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