Ch. 2- Dessert

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"Ike! You haven't even touched your scone!"

Marth stared at Ike's plate in a surprised fashion. "So..?" Ike replied while raising an eyebrow. "Why did you get it if you weren't going to eat it?" Marth didn't even regret the question. He was expecting a 'None of your business!', or a 'Why would you even want to know?', but instead he got an: "Errrr..." Ike started lightly sweating as he almost choked on a piece of chicken while replying to the king's previous question. The dining room in Smash Manor seemed packed, but surprisingly it was partially quiet. The king scoffed at the lack of an answer. "Humph! I see that all of that meat you ate went to your head, you can no longer think straight!" "H-Hey!" Gritting his teeth at the comment, Ike's cheeks turned a tint of pink. "Well, I'm going to bed, see you later, Ike." The teal-haired monarch rose up from his chair and walked towards his room.

"Ugh, how could I let him get away with that? No, no time for angst, I have to give this to him!"

"Wait up, Marth!" Marth stopped when he felt a hand around his wrist. Startled, he snatched his hand away and got into a fighting position. Realizing that it was just Ike, he loosened up a bit. "Oh, gomen'nasai! It was just you..! What are you doing here?" Ike shifted his weight from one side to the next, thinking about what to say. "Oh, I think this is a good time to tell you..." "Tell me about what?" Marth was absolutely puzzled by the mercenary's awkward behavior. "About the scone." "Ah, yes. Would you explain?"

"This scone," Ike began, pulling the plate with a scone on top of it from behind his back. "It was...for y-you.." The king was bewildered, he should have known. He knew that he had a taste for sweets, and that Ike didn't have a taste for that at all. Plus, Ike's behavior was different than other times. "Oh, for me?" Marth accepted the scone and broke it in a small piece. It was Marth's favorite flavor, it was a rare flavor, so it must have surely been for him in the first place. The grateful monarch looked into those lively sapphire eyes with a sincere look on his face. "Arigato! Thank you, Ike. Thank you for the scone. Thank you for everything." Ike's cheeks were absolutely flushed when he was pulled into a slight embrace by the king. "H-Heh, you're w-welcome.."

                                         "Well don't you have an awful case of stuttering~?"

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