"What do you need of me?"


That evening, the two members of the Warriors Three and Sif made their way through the city in the shadows. There weren't many out at this time of night, and all were asked to split up to not draw attention to themselves. At first it was believed that this would be an informal gathering based on the fact that they would be meeting at a pub they would often visit, but upon the strange request it was clear this was a serious matter. None could know of their leave from the palace and as they entered the building one by one there were no other patrons present. The windows were closed up so none could see inside, while only a single table sat lit with candles to give them some light. Their eyes immediately found Thor already seated, but it was the sight of Heimdall standing off to the side that made them a bit on edge as to the reason for their meeting.

Thor greeted each of them as they sat down, but his expression wasn't carefree. It was serious and none spoke until all were in attendance. Sif the first one to break the silence, "What is it you have called us here for?"

Thor paused for a moment in thought, looking at each of them before saying, "What I am about to ask of you is treason of the highest order." The statement caused them to sit up a bit straighter with serious expressions. "Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death. Malekith knew the Aether was here. He can sense its power. If we do nothing, he will come for it again, but this time, lay waste to all of Asgard. We must move Anya."

"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in the vault," Sif stated. Their odds of escaping their realm looked slim.

"There are other paths off Asgard," Heimdall said. "Ways known only to a few."

"One, actually," Thor trailed off, leaving the statement hanging.

He didn't elaborate looking at their furrowed brows and confused expressions. They shared glances at each other, not understanding what the prince meant. Fandral was the first to put the pieces together and closed his eyes before pinching his nose. Then Volstagg and Sif understood, looking at Thor as if he had gone mad.

"No," Volstagg firmly stated. Completely against this insane plan, narrowing his brows and clasping his hands together on the table. Of course, the god was talking about none other than the trickster himself.

"He will betray you," Fandral added.

"He will try," Thor agreed.

"And what then? Your lovely mortal is being guarded by a legion of Einherjar who will see you coming from miles away." Fandral's voice was full of doubt that any of this would work. There were too many negatives that could come from this with little to no success.

"I won't be the one who comes for her."

The prince looked at the female warrior and their eyes followed. Sif shifted uncomfortably in her chair at that, not liking that part of the plan at all.

"We are running out of time," he pressed. "Anya is starting to... see things."

That caused their brows furrow in worry and confusion. "See things?" Volstagg questioned. "Like what?"

"Visions. Whether they are real or not has yet to be determined, but now I am beginning to worry about her mental stability. What she is witnessing is very unsettling. The Aether is beginning to consume her. We need to leave Asgard."

"And what of the Allfather?" Sif asked. Her eyes shifted nervously towards the gatekeeper.

"It is my sworn duty to notify him of crimes against the throne," Heimdall agreed. He moved forward from the shadows to stand beside Thor. "I will do what is needed."

Book 2: Phantasm [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now