"Sing, rap, play piano, etc etc," Jamal blurted out. "The whole package huh. Y'all put everything into this one. Didn't have enough to give Andre," Candace smugly threw out. "What is wrong with you Candace?" Carol snapped. "I'm just saying. All the Lyons are talented. Musically inclined I mean. Except Andre. Even Haven can carry a note," Candace went on, not noticing an entire table of Lyons glarring at her. "Uh Webb! Can you kindly drive my bitch of a sister home to her little hole in the suburbs?" Cookie asked, not taking her eyes off of her eldest sister. "Yes ma'am I can," Webb answered, walking over to escort Candace out. "You've always been so sensitive," Candace mumbled.

"No I'm just holding myself from making sure you know the definition of sensitive. Don't play with me Candace," Cookie growled. Once she left, silence filled the room. "Jamal is just hyping me up but the song is definitely hot. But that's all him," Reign said, changing the feel of the room. "I'd like to hear it," Lucious said. "No daddy. It's for my party," Haven voiced. "Oh yeah. Ms. Haven Nevaeh Lyon has acquired the first hearing of the song to be played at her party. That contract is air tight," Jamal said playing along with his little sister. "Wait so that was for real? We really gotta make new songs to perform at a 2 year olds party?" Keem asked, thinking it was just Haven running her mouth as usual.

"Mommy! Make Keem make my song!" Haven pouted, Cookie slapped Keem in the back of his head. "Ugh fine. I'm heading to the studio. You coming Mal?" Keem asked, standing up. "Later. I gotta go home. It's time to talk to Phil," Mal admitted, getting a disgruntled sound from Cookie. "Mally is in trouble," Haven snitched, filling in Carol and Reign. "Oooooh what did you do?" Reign asked, taunting him. "Got Skye pregnant again," Lu spilled, taking a sip of his coffee. Reign and Carol both gasped but only 1 was in reach to smack him upside his head. "What you hitting me for? You don't even know Phil!?" Jamal spat, feeling like he had just got hit by Cookie herself.

"And whose fault is that? It doesn't matter. Why did you do that? As much as you talk about that man. Then you just throw that entire relationship away?" Reign growled. "Look it's bad enough that I have to have this conversation with him. Let me get through that then y'all can all band together and be against Jamal Cameron Lyon. I won't care at that point," Mal said as he got up and stormed out the house going to his own. "Welcome to the family," Dre says, raising his glass. A few seconds later, Giselle rushed straight to Andre practically dropping Kendrick in his lap. "I'm running late. Gotta go bye love you," she rushed out, taking a couple bites from his plate before darting out. "Welcome to fatherhood," Reign threw his way.


Jamal went to his house only to find it empty. He was expecting Philip to be there but he wasn't. He looked around, making sure then decided to take a shower. He needed to wash the nerves off of him before confronting the man he loved about the children with the woman he loved? He wasn't sure if he truly loved Skye like he loved Philip but he knew whatever it was, it ran deep. By the time he got out, he heard commotion in the kitchen. "Babe!? Is that you?" He called out, putting on clothes. Once he was dressed, he walked in the kitchen, seeing Philip sitting at the bar with a glass of tea. "Did you hear me calling you?" Mal asked getting a head nod.

"I know I've been missing but don't give me the silent treatment please. I need you to talk to me," Mal begged. "Why haven't you been home?" Philip asked. "Because I've been avoiding this conversation," Phil rolled his eyes, waiting to hear this story. "I stopped messing with Skye but... I'm so sorry... she's pregnant again with twins. I didn't expect this to happen and I'm so sorry babe. I want to make things work with you. I don't want to lose anything we have going on," Jamal cried. "Mhmm," Philip hummed taking another sip of tea. "Mhmm? What does that mean?" Mal asked. "It means prove it. I got things to do," Philip voiced, walking to the bedroom and slamming the door.

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