Chapter 19: Aaron's Friend

Start from the beginning

"Fine. Do things on your own. We've seen where that's gotten you now."

Balto groaned at the thought.

"Kinda sucks, doesn't it? I mean, you're the first alpha male werewolf in the school's history to be dethroned by a human! None of your werewolf peers respect you anymore. And to be quite frank... you're all washed up at this point. I mean if you're trying to go through her to get to Aaron then you're doing it all wrong!"

"I don't need any-- W-Wait... her? What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Aphmau. C'mon, don't play stupid. You must have seen it too. She's the only one who won't take his crap. She's feisty and easily provoked. And the best part? He lets her get away with it. Tell me why that is."

"He marked her. She's the alpha female..."

"That's what you call it, but I have a theory he's smitten with her. And frankly, I don't like it."

"Stop talking fancy and get to the point!"

"You and I both want to take down Aaron. Why not work together to accomplish this?"

Balto laughed at Gene's bogus plan but then sighed in defeat. "Fine. What do you need me to do?"

"Be patient. Your war won't come for a while."

"You have something planned?"

"Oh, even better. My plan is already in motion as we speak. Patience is key."

The two began cackling evilly at the thought of finally being able to bring Aaron down, no matter what was at risk. A burst of third laughter came from behind them, causing Gene and Balto to stop. They turned to see it was Zane.

"So, what are we laughing about?" he asked.

Instead of answering verbally, Balto and Gene attacked Zane, leaving him in pain on the bathroom floor.

Meanwhile, in Werewolf class, Aphmau sat alone in her desk in the back corner of the room, uncomfortably hungry. Her appetite had increased tenfold since the potion had been thrown onto her. She just had to finish that class and then she could go home.

Because of her new ears, she could also hear better than she could before. Across the room, she caught the conversation of two other students. There was a gray-haired girl and brown-haired boy, both she had recognized from the first day.

"Are they dating?" the girl asked excitedly.

"I don't think so, but she smells so much like him and they sit together. She even looks like us now, so I'm okay with calling her alpha."

"Do you see how they fight? I think it's so cute. I can't wait for them to start throwing punches."

"Wow! I can hear them from here!" Aphmau quietly exclaimed to herself, not paying attention to her other surroundings. She probably should have been, since Aaron stood next to his desk. "This is so cool! I wonder who they're talking about... I can hear so much gossip like this!"

"Tsk, you're still wearing that?" Aaron asked. She turned around in surprise.

"Ah! Where did you come from?"

"The bake sale's over, so why do you still have those ears and tail?"

"How about you mind your own business?"

"All I'm saying is it looks stupid."

"Well, I really don't care about your opinion at all, now do I?"

"Tsk." Aaron came around and sat in his chair before grabbing onto Aphmau's tail, attempting to pull it off. The sudden physical contact made her blush.

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