Almost relieved by the admission, you sigh. For a brief period last night, you wondered if Jimin was somehow involved. It seems he isn't – just another victim of the crimes from these men.

"And the car?" Yoongi prompts, not looking away.

Namjoon narrows his gaze down the barrel of his gun. "A stroke of brilliance on behalf of my companions. They followed you to the obelisk, overhead you solving the clue – and on their way back, decided to hinder your journey."

You hiss, barely audible.

"Sorry about that," Namjoon says with a shrug. "It's just business."

Yoongi snorts. "Business, ha. You're a thief, Namjoon."

"Yes, and thievery is my business," Namjoon says shortly. "Jas, tie them up."

Jas moves towards you, only making it all of four steps before hell breaks loose. Yoongi inhales, throwing out his arm and Namjoon squeezes the trigger. The bullet just misses Yoongi, grazing his side as he twists, fingers finding his whip. It uncoils, wrapping around Jas' ankle and yanking him backwards.

Jas' face hits ground, blood spurting from something which breaks, likely his nose. Yoongi doesn't stop, twisting to aim for Namjoon's bare wrist. The rope coils, jerking up and Namjoon's gun shoots harmlessly into the air. Yoongi rolls again, kicking the gun from Namjoon's grip towards the ocean.

He jumps upward, dodging Namjoon's first blow, then his second. The two are so busy fighting, none of you notice the third man off to the side. You notice thought, when a gun clicks loudly in your ear.

Heart hammering, you gasp as hen an arm wraps around you.

"Ahem," the voice purrs.

Somehow Yoongi hears this and freezes. His whip falls to the dirt as Namjoon, breathing heavily, pauses as well. Blood trickles from his lip, gaze darting past Yoongi to you. His smile widens, seeing the stalemate before him.

"Ah," Namjoon sighs, glancing at Yoongi. "It seems we're at an impasse, my friend. Y/N has a gun to their head and I, well – I need a map in my hand. Give me it and they live."

The gun digs into your temple and you sharply inhale.

"Yoongi," you whisper, the words slipping past.

Before you, his shoulders droop in defeat. There's no way out. Both of you can see it – already, the waves are beginning to flow in from the left. The tide is rising, and it won't be long now before the entire causeway is flooded.

Seeing this, you have a sudden idea. It's wild, reckless and will probably fail, but what other choice do you have?

Yoongi's gaze darts to the caves, then to you. His jaw tightens as he slowly exhales.

"Give him the map," you plead, forcing your eyes to widen. "Give him the map, Yoongi. They've already figured out the treasure is buried inside the caves."

Namjoon's eyes widen, and he looks at Yoongi in disbelief. "The caves," he breathes, half-turning around. "Of course."

Yoongi's face falls, crestfallen.

Clearly, Namjoon hadn't worked that out for himself and here you are, giving him the final hint. Though Yoongi doesn't speak, you can tell that he's furious. His back goes ramrod straight, firm as his hands curl into fists.

The man behind you chuckles, releasing his grip. He begins to back away, gun firmly trained on your head – with his other hand, he grabs a second gun from his pocket and passes it to Namjoon.

"Well." Namjoon grins, flicking off the safety. "This changes things, doesn't it? The map," he demands, pointing the weapon at Yoongi. "And we'll be on our way."

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