Sarah stepped backward toward an empty chair and took a seat. "Pleased to meet you," she said, trying to sound pleasant. "I've been looking forward to working with a time master."

Rigen gave Sarah a puzzled look and glanced back at Sarah's mother.

"Surely this can't be her, Draxta," Rigen said, monotone but conveying inflection with his pace. "She's barely a teenager, if even. If what you speak truth this is too much a burden to place on her shoulders. Not to mention the audacity of it all to begin with."

Draxta gave him a reassuring smile, sensing his agitation was nearing his breaking point.

"I guarantee you Sarah is more than capable. She's been working with a half a dozen wizards for the last ten years in preparation for this. Melisandre here," she said, pointing at Air, "has overseen the training for the last seven and by all accounts Sarah will soon be able to supply the entire endeavor by herself. I am quite proud of her."

Air nodded her agreement. Sarah did her best to hide the glee from her face. Her mother was kind to her, but seldom gave out such overt praise. Air glanced at Sarah and the faintest trace of a smile pulled at her lips. Air saw everything. Sarah knew the woman's name was really Melisandre, though she heard it infrequently enough that sometimes she had to think hard to recall it. Melisandre, like all her tutors, instead went by the element of magic she was strongest in. Initially this was to help a four-year-old Sarah remember who was who and why she needed them around. Now, ten years later, she could remember names well enough, but the habit had been formed. Rigen would soon be called Time, as opposed to his given name.

"This is madness Draxta. The council will never allow you to continue with this plan. It's disruptive enough keeping me here this long away from my duties, but tasking so many of the university's wizards with the annihilation of so many lives... no. I cannot be a part of this and I will not let it come to pass." He stood up, making for the door. "When Dean Erythum hears of this you'll never be allowed to step foot into Thespa again, probably worse."

Draxta spoke as he opened the door.

"Then I mustn't let him hear of this." Draxta motioned to Sarah. Training took over. Sarah hadn't even realized she was moving until she felt the warm skin of Air's hand in her own. Touching her tutor, she pulled on the magic within Air. An incredibly strong gust of wind lifted Rigen off his feet and threw him back into the room, tumbling over himself and smacking against the wall. He moved to get up but found his hands could not move. Baffled, he looked to Draxta, who was watching Sarah. He turned slowly to Sarah and understanding spread across his face.

"It is true then," he said, "you do have the power." He shook his head slowly as if coming to terms with his present situation. He glanced around at the three people, trying to put pieces together. After a few moments he looked directly at Sarah, defiance clear in his eyes. "Your mother is a madwoman. Don't let her trick..."

"Silence!" Draxta commanded, and Sarah instinctively filled the man's mouth with air, one of the first tricks she'd learned. Rigen's eyes bulged and while he could breathe fine through his nose, the shock of what was happening was truly starting to register. Draxta continued.

"It seems that our friend Rigen does not share out vision of the future, does not wish to save ourselves from the rot of this land. It is a shame," she smiled sadly and looked Rigen straight in the eye, "but everyone comes around eventually. Sometimes it just takes a little... persuasion." Draxta turned back to Sarah. "Sarah dear, I'll take care of this. You run along and get some breakfast. We've got a big day ahead of us and you'll want plenty of energy."

Sarah smiled and stood, still holding Air's hand. She had an idea of what was going to happen, though Draxta never let her watch. She knew her mother didn't enjoy what was to come, just as she didn't enjoy their entire plan, but it was necessary. It was for the well-being of all. Sarah turned to Rigen, unmoving and muted on the floor. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Rigen," she said, nodding slightly toward him. Unable to move or speak constrained as he was, he only groaned in response. She and Air began walking out the door.

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