Part 29 Boyfriend.

Start from the beginning

"H-he was just a pr-project partner." I managed. "There mu-ust be a miss understanding."

"There had better be." My father seethed.

"Your mother and I have put to much time, money, and effort into you for you to disappoint us like this." My father sat back into his chair and his yelling eased up.

"You are talented, educated, pure, and beautiful because of us, Victoria. It's a very valuable combination and we do expect you to repay us for all we've done. All we are asking is that you do as you are told." My father said.

I pulled in a deep shaky breath as I nodded.

"I don't know what has been going on with you lately but it stops now. If you can not get your act together then collage will be taken off the table. Ballet is your future. It is the basis of the arrangement we have made with your potential suitors. Mr. Langston may be our primary choice for the moment but if you wish to have a say in the matter then I suggest you make yourself worthy of it." My father said.

I nodded again. I was a little confused by his words but I was far to afraid to question him. It sounded like he was telling me I would have a choice if I could prove myself to them.

"Your mother is waiting for you in the kitchen." He dismissed.

I scrambled out of my chair and wiped at my face as I went to the door.

"Victoria." My father's voice halted me before I could reach for the doorknob.

"What ever happened over the last few days is to be forgotten. I don't want the police or anyone else involved in our personal matters. A scandal on top of your obvious injuries will make that worth that we discussed nonexistent. Do you understand me?" He said.

A sick feeling clawed at my insides. I understood what he was saying. It was the same reasoning I had for keeping quiet about what Stephan had done. This felt worse. It felt like my father knew, or at least thought he knew, what had happened and was telling me to pretend that it hadn't. Still, I knew that he was right. If I remembered anything I couldn't really tell anyone except the guys because then I would be ruined. I would be worthless just like my mother said I was.

"Yes father." I said firmly.


I knew what was going to happen as I walked to the kitchen. My mother didn't even bother speaking once I stepped into the room. She simply turned and opened the cellar. She turned back to me with a glare.

If she wasn't going to speak to me that meant she was beyond angry. Having her wait for me to obey was only going to make things worse.

I walked toward the cellar on numb legs. The darkness inside was already suffocating even before I bent down and stepped into the tiny room. My mother slammed the door behind me.

I bumped into some of the shelves as I maneuvered around the small room until I could finally sink down onto the cold marble floor. I considered counting. The more I tried to look around and see, the less I could breathe but I didn't care. I didn't care if I passed out in here. It wouldn't make a difference except that I'd lose track of time. Time didn't really matter either though. I would be stuck in here until my mother decided otherwise.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on something else. Anything else but the smothering darkness around me. At least it wasn't the freezer. At least it wasn't the belt. I could handle the darkness. I just had to figure out a way to breathe.

The watch on my wrist vibrated again. I looked down at it.

The watch said Aydan with a picture of a tiny green phone and a tiny red phone.

It was a phone call.

I had forgotten to call Aydan.

I pressed the tiny green button to answer the call.

The screen switched over to black with a small timer that was counting the minutes of our phone call but no one spoke.

"Hello?" I whispered just in case Aydan was actually there and waiting for me to speak first. It was smart. It showed that he wanted to know it was safe to speak before doing so.

"Are you alright?" Aydan asked just as quietly.

I nodded to myself in the darkness. All things considered I was doing alright. Then I remembered that this was a phone call and there was no way for Aydan to hear me nodding.

"I'm ok." I said. "But I shouldn't be talking. I don't want my parents to hear me."

"Baby, where are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine Aydan, I-" I shook my head. I didn't want to tell him where I was. I didn't know how he would react or what he would do and I couldn't risk them doing something ridiculous.

"That's not what I asked." Aydan said. "Where are you?" He repeated.

"I- I can't... I'll call you later ok?" I said and pressed a button ending the call.

My watch lit up almost immediately with another phone call from Aydan. He was going to be angry with me but I didn't answer it. I watched it until the call disappeared and then another call started again. I didn't answer this one either. The light from the second call faded and the watch went dark. I let out a sigh of relief and tucked my head down into my arms. I began my count. 

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