Nodding his head, Cisco moves to grab his phone. "Laurel's going to be excited."

"Laurel can't know." Sara said immediately.

Cisco frowns. "Why not?"

"Because I'm supposed to be dead." Sara said.

"But Laurel and your father deserve to know you're alive." Cisco responds.

"They can't know." Sara said.

Cisco frowns. "Why not?"

"They just can't, this was a mistake." Sara breathes out, turning to walk away.

"Sara stop." Barry said. "We can help you get control of your powers and then you can be with Felicity."

Cisco looks between them. "Wait, powers? Did you just say powers? As in plural?"

Sara had stopped walking but was completely tense.

"Cisco, we don't know if she has more than one power." Barry said.

Gypsy frowns as she watches Sara who's fists were clenched.

"Sara, calm down." Barry said.

The blonde closes her eyes and takes a deep breath but when she opens them again they're an icy blue color just like when she sent him flying. Only this time the room was becoming colder and colder.

"Sara. You need to calm down." Barry said, shivering.

"Sweet jesus it's cold in here." Cisco says, his eyes widening upon seeing his breath.

Sara clenches her fists even more and the sound of glass shattering causes them to look toward the wine bottle that was on the table and the two glasses that were now completely broken.

"Sara, you need to calm down." Barry said. "Cisco, call Felicity, I have a theory."

Nodding his head, Cisco pulls out his phone. Putting it on speaker.

The blonde opened her mouth to scream only to instantly relax when she heard Felicity's voice.

"Hello?" Felicity says tiredly.

Sara's entire body seemed to relax and the room began to become warm again.

"Hello?" Felicity repeated, her voice raspy from tiredness and lack of use.

"Felicity?" Sara breathes out, instantly moving over to the phone.

"Sara?" Felicity said. "Why do you have Cisco's phone?"

The blonde swallows thickly. "I-I don't, I'm at Star labs."

"Why? I thought you didn't want anyone to know you were alive?" Felicity said.

Sara clenches her fists and looks down. "Barry knew."

"That's my fault, isn't it. He followed me to your house." Felicity whispered.

"No, no it's not your fault." Sara instantly breathes out but the room was already growing cold again.

Felicity sighed. "Why are you at Star labs?"

The blonde closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "I'm a meta."

"A meta." Felicity echoed.

Sara swallows thickly and clenched her fists causing more glass to break. "Yes."

"Okay." Felicity said, like it was no big deal.

"Sara, you need to calm down." Barry says softly, moving toward her.

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