IX. A day in the life of a cripple.

Start from the beginning

Most of the Hundred were already in bed, leaving just her around the burning fire. She didn't mind though, it allowed her to look up at the stars without looking like a weirdo. Carter got caught doing it once before, by some girl and the girl decided to rudely point out that they lived with the stars, so why would they want to look at them from down on the ground? Carter merely shrugged in response, not feeling the need to explain herself to some girl.

She breathed the crisp air in slowly through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, relishing in the tranquility that surrounded her. Everything looked so pretty from the earth, even the stars. Up on the Ark, she got bored of seeing them float outside the small port windows. But on the ground? They looked beautiful, tiny gleaming dots that scoured across the sky in particular patterns.

She even found a set of stars that made a stick man.

Suddenly, her world was temporarily enveloped in darkness as something was chucked on to her face. It took her a few short seconds to realize she hadn't passed out and took whatever it was off her face. She held it out in front of her and raised her eyebrows upon working out that a jacket was the thing that was rudely thrown at her. It was dark fabric and a size or two bigger than her, it also looked mildly worn out. Her eyes shifted from the jacket to the culprit that aimed it at her face.


"Your jaw was getting on my nerves," He vaguely explained. "You probably need it more than me."

"Uh..." Carter trailed off. The spontaneousness of what just happened had rendered her into a confused silence. Talk Carter, you look like an idiot. "I don't need it." She lamely replied, internally face palming herself.

Bellamy quirked an eyebrow and took a step closer. Since the last time he saw her, she had got a lot more color back in her face and didn't look like she was about to pass out from blood loss. "Has everything got to be an argument with you?"

"Occasionally," Carter shrugged nonchalantly. She held out the jacket. "I'm fine, I don't need it."

He looked her up and down, noting on how much her body was shivering, even though she tried to stop it. She was just sat there in a black tank top, skinny jeans and one combat boot (the other was in the drop ship trying to be fixed by Monty,) it was clear she was going to be cold. Besides, he had another jacket back in his tent, it wasn't like he was sacrificing his own body warmth for her. "It's not up for discussion." He told her sternly.

"Usually I will stand my ground until I win but right now, I can't be bothered," Carter sighed. She gave the jacket one more glance over before shrugging it on. It smelled woodsy and... something she couldn't quite place, but she was surprised at how pleasant it smelt. And oddly comforting too. She hugged herself, trying not to take a deep breath of the jacket when she caught Bellamy's smug look. "This doesn't mean you win."

"Sure," He nodded sarcastically, desperately trying to swallow his smile." Uh, listen, I never actually thanked you for, uh, saving my life." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. Carter didn't need three guesses to know that he didn't usually express his gratitude, so she stayed quiet for a few beats, allowing her ego to relish in that fact.

"I don't expect a thanks," Carter looked back up at him with a furrowed brow. "If I was in that situation I'd want to know someone had my back too. I mean, I'm not gonna make a habit of saving your ass but... hey, I guess we can call it even."


"Yeah. You stopped me from bleeding out through my foot and I stopped you becoming an oversized cat's chew toy. Even," Carter shrugged, turning her gaze back to the fire. "I meant what I said, Bellamy, back when I thought I was dying-- about you not being as bad as I thought. Don't get me wrong, you're still a dick, but you're not as bad as I thought you would be."

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