act one { to step out of darkness is to find me }

Start from the beginning

Sluggishly, Mamoru forced his legs across his bed to stand and he forced himself to pull back the curtains. Above in the sky without a cloud to damper her glory or hide her shining face hung the Moon. Her presence was known to those that looked up. 

A breathless sigh left his lips with a headshake. 

"Whatever this is must be connected with the Sailor Guardians or the Moon. I can feel it."


"Are they still asleep? And they're almost in high school, too..."

More disappointed than anything after he walked past his older sisters room, Shingo brushed down his freshly ironed clothes while his mom walked throughout the kitchen. Ikuko--less disappointed than anyone in the house-- shrugged her shoulders when she caught sight of her youngest child while she held a pan and spatula. 

"Do you think they'll get up anytime time soon?" 

Shingo shrugged his shoulders before biting into his breakfast. Whether his sisters would wake up or not wasn't his biggest worry. If he did have to worry about them, he would panic about their futures relationships and their jobs. How could two girls as them live proper lives when they couldn't wake up on time for school? While the rest of the house prepared for their day of work, the second-biggest room upstairs was filled with silent peace. 

Across the girly-themed, pink and blue room, locks of blonde and blue were intermingled under blankets. Clothes from the night before were strewn everywhere and bags filled with anything and everything sat on plush cushions. 

It was the blare of a clock on the right side that awoke the girls. At first, the blonde head slowly peeled a hand from the blankets to slam the clock shut, but when her eyes from within the comfortable fortress saw the time in bright colours, her body jumped from the bed with a shout. 

"Hurry, wake up! We're going to be late, Miyako!"

Violently shaken out of her restless sleep, the other girl named Miyako wiped her eyelids before opening her ocean-blue eyes. In the early morning, her younger twin's face was blurry and warped with her mouth opening wide.   

"W-What do you mean, Usagi-ah, we're going to be late!" When Miyako's vision cleared enough to see the time, she too scrambled off her bed to start her long day.  

"What are we going to do with them?" 

Ikuko and Shingo pulled their ears away from the twin's door before walking back downstairs. They shook their heads at the chaos banging upstairs, but with a fresh breakfast served before them, neither could complain about their mornings.  

Clothes, shoes, jewelry and hair were flying across the Tsukino twins room. Without hesitation, the girls ran to and from every corner in their room. The fluffy carpet was continuously tramped and jumped on, but if it had a mind of its own, the carpet would have predicted the morning even in its sleep. 

Fastened into her uniform, Miyako slammed her sister at their vanity so she could brush and secure the bundle of blonde into their usual odango-buns. After a quick hug, she did the same to her hair and went a step further by adding silver ribbons to her buns.  

"Usagi, take this!" The blonde was tossed her schoolbag.

Finally free from the messy confines of their bedroom, the younger twin grabbed them both their lunch boxes from the table as their mother watched them with a raised brow. 

"I thought I told you girls to set your alarms--"

"We're leaving! Bye mom! Bye Shingo!"

Hearing the front door close as her husband walked down the stairs, Ikuko hunched her shoulders with a shake of her head, "Those girls really need to understand the concept of time."

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