Three || Goodnight James

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no It is fine. Your girlfriend is very polite" He says. We both shake our heads at the same time.

"Yeah, no. She is not her girlfriend. I mean I just met her today" He gestures to me.

I nod and so does the pizza guy.

"Here" James says and steps forward and hands the man the cash.

"Thank you" He says and walks out, "Have a good night you two" He says before I shut the door.

James laughs, "That was very humorous" He says setting the pizza down on the kitchen table.

"Your telling me" I say as I grab plates out of the cupboard.

"Here, you go" I pass him his plates.


I grab a slice of cheese pizza and set in down on my plate. I sit down at the table and bring the slice up the my mouth before I am interrupted my James.

"Do you want me to sit with you here? or can I go watch the game" He asks picking up his plate with one hand.

"It would be nice if you sat here, but if you want to watch the game by all means" I gesture to the couch. He shakes his head and sits down in the seat across from me.

"Hey, I said you can go watch it that is what you want" I say.

"No, if you want me to eat here than I will, end of discussion" He says and then picking up his food.

I shrug and eat my pizza.

"Listen, James. You don't have to be so nice. I know you are struggling, all those rude comments are showing up on your face instead of coming out of your mouth. Just treat me as you would with your with friend" I say putting my pizza down.

"If thats what you really want...but you don't know how I am with my friends. It can get pretty hectic" He states.

He crosses his arms on the table and looks at me, I mock him.

"Then how do you want to treat me as, James" I ask.

"I want to treat you as my roommate, if that helps" He says.

"That is a good choice" I say.

I stare at him for a moment and he does the same. His eyes are the bluest of blue, and they are not the kind of blue that you would imagine on a man, they were the kind that you would imagine when you see a baby with blue eyes, so young, so peaceful, so bright. I recognised them.

I break gaze from him and look down at my half eaten pizza. I pick it back up and eat it.

I hear in the background that the game has ended and I have absolutely no idea who won, who cares? I know, I don't.

James whips his head around he throws his arms up like the world has ended.

"Wha-" I start.

"NOOOO!" He stands up yelling at the television, "WHY?!" He adds.

I am assuming the the team the he wanted to win did not win.

"WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO?!" He keeps on shouting.

"I don't know" I mutter under my breath.

I get up and turn off the T.V. then glance at the clock on the wall, is it really 11:00 already? Wow.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Going to bed" I say.

"But, I can't. Remember, my stuff is stuff packed in boxes and my bed is still just a frame" He says.

"Then sleep on the couch, but only for tonight" I yawn.

"Fine" He says, "Can I get a blanket?" He adds.

I go to closet in the corner and grab one of my extra comforters and walk back down the hallway and hand him the blanket.

"Thank you" He mutters.

"Yeah" I return.

He gets up and walks to his room, "What are you doing" I stand in the doorway. "Just getting a pair of sweatpants" He says as he rips open a box.

"Oh, Okay" I say.

"Well, I am going to bed. I will be in my room if you need anything" I turn away.

"Goodnight, Vena" I hear him say.

I turn to face him again, "Goodnight, James" I return.

I turn to my room which is right next to James's room and turn the door handle and walk in. I go to my dresser and get my pajamas and change then climb into my soft queen size bed and pick up my phone for a moment and glance at it for a second then set it back down on my night stand see that the only lights that are visibly in my room is the light from the street and the light coming form the hallway and living room.

I turn on my side and watch in the almost dark for what feels like hours until the lights from outside my door disappear.


My eyelids feel heavy, I feel them shut and I try to open them and stay awake. Although I don't know why. Maybe it is because I have not had a stranger stay the night in the whole summer I have been living here or maybe it is because I am not used to having a roommate.

I don't know, but I do know that my eyes can no longer stay open.

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