Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth

Start from the beginning

Security checked the house and got their charges with their winter coats into the SUV and turned the alarm on. As they took to the air, Bella called her mom back to ask about the band joining them for dinner on Wednesday night. Kendra laughed and said "the more the merrier" and got off the phone to put together a menu for the meal. They arrived at the VIP terminal at 9:50 AM to find the bus already there with all of the instruments on board and the band de-boarding . Prince and Carlos helped the band unload the instruments while Ross and Melvin took the luggage for screening at the VIP screening station just outside the entry doors to the VIP terminal. The bags were cleared and after handing the four their screened carry ons, they all sat in the outdoor seating area for about 15 minutes while the checked bags were placed in the luggage bay of the plane. TSA security signaled the VIP security team that the flight was cleared for boarding and the four boarded the plane giving warm hugs to Greg Landers, their pilot and saying hello to their 2 flight attendants. They were new and looked a lot alike. The Security team followed them on board. Greg would later introduce the ladies as two of the four permanent crew members he had hired to handle Arista VIP flights. Their names were Allison and Aria and they were sisters and had flown with Greg when he had been with United. They were experienced, friendly and highly ethical and he was so glad they had finally said yes to his offer. Bella and Elaine liked them very much! The four got settled, fastened their seatbelts and eagerly awaited take-off. Drink service would begin in about 20 minutes after they reached their cruising altitude and speed. Lunch would be about 11:50 AM. Bella pulled out her mini computer and began to search men's wedding bands. She and Elaine would have made their choices by the time they got to Detroit. They also would have chosen the gifts for the bridesmaids/matrons. Tennis bracelets made with cubic zirconia set in white gold or sterling silver with matching necklaces. Searching, she found them on sale at Zales...but she would try the jeweler that had done the Love Sign #2 pendant for Prince for Christmas first. Finally she and Elaine started searching for a suitable gift for Prince and Carlos. Bella thought she would have her personal vows put onto a heart shaped canvas to hang over their bed as his gift. She would give it to him the night before they married. Elaine decided on a 14 K gold dog tag for Carlos to wear close to his heart that said Forever and had the date of their marriage engraved on it also.

Drinks had been served and now lunch was being brought to them. They closed up their search programs and put their notebooks away. After they ate, Bella and Elaine would both nap. They were happy, excited and tired more mentally than physically. What they were doing took a lot of physical, emotional and mental energy. "Thank you Creator for the energy of youth", Bella said toasting Elaine with her guava juice. By the time the dishes were cleared, both girls were fast asleep.

Prince's POV

While the girls had been thinking about the wedding and searching for some of the items on their list, Prince had been running through the songs they would record over the next three weeks. They would record the original show that he and the band had performed when they first played at The Stork first according to the scene guide. They would also do a flashback scene to just before he left paradise. He would substitute the song Your Love Heals for Journey to the Center of Your Heart in the scene and it would be the song Bella later discovers on the recorder once he has returned to earth. Although it was not on the current album, he would release it as a single and it would be on the next one. It would go on to be a number 1 hit on both of the major Billboard Charts. The play list for the shows that they would record in the film was

If I Love You

I Love You Still

When 2 Are In Love

Bella's Eyes

The Ladder

Holy River

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