Ch. 1 End of the Beginning

Start from the beginning

I walked to his desk. "Something wrong?" I asked in a curious tone.

He gave me a sharp look. " Yes in fact there is." He said simply like he stated like a well known fact. I started to walk to his chair.

I felt a shiver go down my spine. I gave him a confused look. I felt my palms sweating.

"Why are you truly always late?" It was a simple question that was asked to me, yet I felt my mind freeze. I couldn't breath, couldn't move, and couldn't think.

I should've been prepared for that question, I should've prepared my body language in the mirror like I usually do to not look suspicious, I should've, i should've, I should've.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and violently flinched away. My breathing picked up a little. I quickly gained my composure. "Hey what was that about Mr. K! I could sue you for molesting a kid!" I said jokingly playfully glaring at him. "Man you almost gave me a heart attack. You really scared me there."

His hand looked like it was almost stuck in the air. His head then turned to me. He looked at me like he had a huge realization, like he just finished putting together a really hard puzzle. He put his hand down and looked at me with a blank face, he quickly covered it up with an exasperated look.

"Simon you really shouldn't joke like that. I just got my teaching license." He gave me an annoyed look.

"Take this hall pass for your next class. Your lucky this is my free hour." I quickly grabbed the pass and was about to leave the classroom when Mr. K called my attention. "Also Simon this is you fifth late morning this month you know what that means?" He gave me a michivious smirk that might rival my own. "That means detention after school with me." He said almost sounding like he was about to laugh.

I gave him an irritated look and waved him off signaling I heard him.

The rest of the day went as a blur. I felt this relentless anxiety going through me making me nauseas the whole day. The final bell went, I couldn't help but hear it as a death chime.

I slowly made it to my homeroom. I breathed in and out counting to ten. I knocked on the door, plastering a playful smile on my face. I felt like I was going to puke.

Mr. K opened the door and looked at me. He had his jacket and a folder with him. He smiled at me. "Come on let's go." I started to follow him looking at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him curiously.  He looked at me and looked straight again. "Hmmm, well you see each teacher is allowed a few surprise home visits a year just in case."

I started to sweat, I wanted to puke, my breathing hitched. "Just in case?" It came out like a soft whisper, way softer than intended.

He looked at me softly, keeping at my pace. "Yes... just in case." He said soft and gentle. I could see his light brown eyes and black hair as he looked into mine.

I felt my hands shake. My eyes started to burn. I felt my hand being grabbed gently as we got out of the school. I looked at him, and he kept looking forward.

I looked at the ground. "What about my bike?" I asked my voice more stable. "

He glanced at me. "We can get it now if you want, or you can just get it tomorrow."

"I can get it quickly now." He let go of my hand, "Go ahead." He nodded at me. I quickly grabbed it from the bike rake.

With my bike I walked next to him. I gained composure, even though I still felt sick. " Hey Mr. K why don't you like being called Mr. Krown?" I asked curiously trying to but my mind to something else.

"Well I think I sound old if everyone called me by my full last name. Plus all the cool teachers let you call them by there initial, well at least in my school." After that he told me a few random things probably knowing what I was trying to do.

We were walking next to the main road when I heard a scream. I look to the side and see a little boy about to be hit by car. It felt like time stopped. I dropped my bike and ran to the little boy with every ounce of strength I had.

I heard my name being called in terror. I almost hesitated, but I couldn't stop now. I pushed the boy out of the way and felt my body fly through the air.

I heard a sickening crunch but I couldn't register what it was. I saw black spots in my vision, I felt very cold for some reason.

I look up and see Mr. K. He's holding my hand and crying above me. I distantly hear screams, I couldn't make out what was being said though.

I only focused on Mr. K, " I w-wouldn't k-k-know if t-this is the r-right time, but I-I c-couldv'e made m-more jokes about this i-if I was h-hit by a t-truck." I said as I have a small laugh, which proceeded to a cough. I felt something warm come out of mouth.

Mr. K then gently took me into his arms while crying. "H-hey t-there are t-things in m-my room I'd l-like y-you to get. T-there's a s-small box u-under my b-bed. P-please take i-it.

I felt reassuring hands comb through my hair. "I-ironicly you w-were my f-favorite teacher." I gave a small laugh to my self.

Mr. K looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Ironicly you were my favorite student brat." His voice cracked at the end. I softly laughed.

I felt fuzzy, everything was clouded. I leaned into Mr. K' s reassuring hands. I felt water drops fall on my face. I couldn't help but say I few words that I always wanted to say to him.

"Thank you." I said in a soft voice  smiling at him with my eyes closed. 

Everything went dark

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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