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A//N: Just a heads up, this is the first chapter, and has at least something to do with what the events in the prologue showed. This is the main starter for the story and not the prologue.

Seoul, South Korea, 7:36 P.M; November 11, 2019:// NAMJOON'S P.O.V

It was very windy and you can find a ton of dead leaves falling from the trees of the local park. It was about to go completely fall, then winter will soon approach, making me a tad bit worrisome about winter soon approaching Korea. It was a very fine morning until Yoongi Hyung informed me that Jin Hyung was working late once again. It has been over a week since he had been working late, but we were going to have a gift-giving held on Christmas Eve so he might be working hard for the money, to be able to buy the gift he is planning on getting for possibly Jimin or Jungkook. We didn't do the raffle-like technique. We just pick a random person in the room then shakes hands with whoever they chose to give a gift to. I picked Yoongi Hyung because I knew him the longest out of all 6 of them. I decided to listen to " Tokyo " for the time being before I reached my apartment. Chances are, we all chose the same apartment building out of luck and never moved out since then. It was getting a bit brighter as time passed by fairly quickly than I thought it would. I just went out for a stroll then stumbled on Taehyung with Yeontan. I then brisk-walked towards both of them and ask why they were out this early. My entire knowledge about Yeontan's sleep schedule is that he never wakes up this early unless Taehyung woke him up.

- " Tae! What're you guys doing out this early? Isn't Yeontan still asleep at this time of the morning? " I asked Taehyung as I caught their attention as soon as I started approaching them. " Oh, we just went out for a walk since Yeontan was surprisingly awake this early. Maybe he fell asleep earlier than I thought he did. " He explained as I nodded and left them alone, trying to not interrupt their bonding further more than I already did. " Ah, I see. Well, see you later I guess. " I said as he nodded and I continued my walk back to my apartment building. I then noticed Jackson's car in the most noticeable part of the building's parking lot and saw that Yoongi's motorbike was also parked there. I then proceeded to go upstairs and go straight to Yoongi's apartment first, before I went to my own. I then knocked on his door a few times then got a raspy and nearly inaudible voice from inside. I then opened the door, to see a half-awakened Yoongi in his hoodie and a pair of sweats. I nodded slightly at him and just nodded back as a response. I decided to walk in, and just as I went in, he slammed the door. 

- " Why the fuck is Jackson here at the building? " He asked me, and I shrugged, also not knowing. " I was about to ask you that. " I scoffed back, and he rolled his eyes at me then gestured me to sit on his couch. I sat down as told and just waited for him since he went directly to his kitchen, where he'll most likely make his favorite coffee, black coffee. After a few minutes, which felt like hours I might add, he came back with surprisingly, two mugs. " I figured you'd like some coffee too, and I had a spare coffee packet that you left at my house so here, it's very early and you might be still a little sleepy. " I scoffed quietly and took the mug from him. " How do you even know the packet is from me? " I asked and he just shrugged at me, taking a sip of his coffee. I heard small footsteps and a small, little boy's voice shouted at Yoongi. 

- " YOONGI HYUNG! " The voice screamed and Yoongi immediately groaned. " What do you want, Jeorin? " Yoongi scoffed and I let out a small chuckle and was about to sip my coffee when a little girl busted out of the room next to the living room's flat-screen and I nearly poured my coffee onto myself and Yoongi instantly shot a glance at me and laughed softly. " Ah, Yeonrin, you scared your Namjoon Oppa. " He said and I choked at my coffee, which I haven't sipped even once yet. Yoongi chuckled and took the mug from my hand and placed it on the coffee table in front of me and him. " Listen you little brats, you're starting to scare our guest off this early in the morning. So you guys sit with us and we'll all watch your favorite cartoon with him. " Yoongi scoffed at them and then the little boy, probably Jeorin out of the two, immediately sat beside me. " Hi Hyung! I'm Jeorin, Yoongi Hyung's younger step-brother! " He introduced himself, and I nodded then the little girl shot up at her brother. " HEY! Jeorin, you're no fair! You always get to introduce first! " The girl shouted and Yoongi glared at her, and she shut up for a split second before clearing her throat and started to speak up again. " Hi good sir, I'm Yeonrin, Jeorin's younger twin. He's 4 minutes older. Just a clarification. " Yeonrin said with confidence and Jeorin's jaw dropped at her barely understandable sentence, for her brother was a little slow at intense Korean. " Okay, okay. We get, you're smart, Don't rub it at my face, Yeon. " Jeorin exclaimed and Yeonrin stuck her tongue out at her brother. " Oh, and we're both ten years old. " Yeonrin added and I nodded while Yoongi didn't give a shit about the current flow of the conversation I and Yeonrin plus Jeorin were having until the door creaked open, revealing a very worn out Jungkook. "

- " Jungkook, what the actual fuck are you doing here. " Yoongi scoffed, ignoring the fact that his step-siblings are in the same room at the same time. " My bad Hyung! Jin Hyung kicked me out and told me not to be back until 1 P.M! He's probably f---ing with Namjoon Hyu- " He didn't continue when he saw me as I stood up with arms crossed, plus my arched eyebrow. " Or probably jerking off. " He said and I nodded slightly while sitting back down. The 10-year-olds were confused and tried to open their mouth to ask me, but I raised my hand slightly in front of them and didn't look at them, indicating that they should ask later. " Did you hear slapping sounds? " I then asked and he nodded. That's when it hit me. He's fucking with Jackson every time I'm not around the building as a whole.

They've been fucking this whole time...

 word count:: 1201 words

lots of love,


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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