11: Shadows of the Past

Start from the beginning

Blake: Who are you and what are you up to?

The boy then just walks over to one of the men and showed what seemed like a badge. The man carrying the crate of dust earlier then shrugged and then called out to the rest of the workers. They all nod and left. The boy then took out a scroll and proceeded to make a call while inspecting the Dust.

Blake(whispering): I knew it, I knew the White Fang we-

Sun: Did I miss anything?

Blake: Nothing much. However that boy over there seems to be a suspicious character.

Sun: Oh by the way, I stole ya some food.

He then uses his tail to give Blake an apple which makes her glare at him.

Blake: Do you always break the law without second thought?

Sun: Weren't ya part of an angry hate cult?

Blake just glares at him even more due to that comment.

Sun: Okay okay, too soon.

Suddenly the loud humming of an overhead aircraft could be heard as a couple of bullheads float down. When the doors open, faunus with grimm-based masks, wearing white, black hooded uniforms and going to the boy. One of them then starts conversing with the boy as a human with orange hair comes out making Blake mutter out "That's not right."

Sun: So, is it them?

Blake: Yes. But things aren't adding up. Why are they helping a couple of humans? One of them being Roman Torchwick, the criminal Ruby fought?

Sun: I dunno. Why are you asking me?

Blake: I have to find out.

She then bolts forward towards Roman and holds him from the back with her sword on his neck.

Roman: Oh for fu-

Blake then pushes the blade a bit further, earning an eye roll from Roman. She then pulls off her ribbon showing her cat ears earning a few audible gasps from the White Fangs.

Blake: Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this human?

Roman: Haven't you heard?

Blake: Heard what?

Roman: The White Fang and I are going on a ... Business venture together!

Blake: Tell me what it is or I'll put you and this little operation of yours to rest!

Roman: I wouldn't call it... a small operation...

Suddenly, more and more Bullheads started to appeared, shocking Blake frozen, as more and more White Fangs came out. Using her stunned state, Roman aims his cane at her feet and then presses the trigger.

Meanwhile with Boboiboy, Ruby and Penny(Heh,BRP)

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from the distance.

Ruby: Penny, Boboiboy, let's go.

Meanwhile with Blake and Sun....

Blake rolls away from the explosion and hides trying to find another way to attack Roman as the raven haired boy merely looks on with his crimson red eyes.

A banana peeling then drops on Roman Torchwick's head, making him look up only to feel two white sneakers land into his face as Sun drop kicks him and proceed to front flip.

Sun: Leave her alone.

Suddenly, White Fang reinforcements arrive and surround Sun.

Roman: You're not the brightest banana in the bunch, are ya kid?

A Sword of Lightning, a Scythe of Roses (RWBY x Boboiboy crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now