39. summer's worth of sex

Start from the beginning

i got into my car since i now had one and i headed for the military school.


i made it to the graduation and i sat in the stands by myself.

"stonewall jackson keogh."

"george s. patton lopez."

"carl francis hashish gallagher." i heard which made me look take out my phone to record.

i stood up and cheered smiling at my boyfriend.

"go carl! go baby!" i shouted.

after the ceremony was over, i saw carl talking to some people but he excused himself and walked over to hug me.

"i'm so proud of you." i told him as he held me tightly.

"thanks." carl replied with a smile.

"wow, you made it baby." i said before kissing him.

"hey, why did you not invite the family?" i asked him.

"i didn't tell them i was graduating." carl told me.

"wait, why not?" i asked him.

"i wasn't sure i was going to." carl replied.

"well, here you are." i said.

"i love you." carl said.

"i love you, too." i replied.


on the way home, i gave carl a beer and he was telling me about how his mentors hated him.

"they can't stop you from enlisting if you want to." i told him.

"fuck the military." carl said.

"you know, a year ago i would've been happy to hear you say that. but now, now i think the army would be lucky to have you." i said grabbing his hand.

"the army can kiss my ass." carl said as i chuckled.

"then join a law firm with me. i'd love to see your cute ass in a suit all day." i said.

"wait, i'd have to wear a suit?" carl said.

"you would look so good." i said.

"not sure being in a courthouse is my thing." carl said.

"i, uh, have some bad news." i told him.

"herpes?" carl joked.

"soon i'll be leaving for law school." i told him.

"hey, don't worry about it. we'll make it work." carl said.

"i'm glad you said that, cause we don't have a lot of time to fit it all in." i said.

"fit what all in?" carl asked me.

i reached into my dash a grabbed the big box of condoms, passing it to him.

"a summer's worth of sex." i said.

"48 condoms." carl said.

"that's right. you up for the challenge, gallagher?" i asked him.

"uh, yeah. wilson." carl said.

"then prove it, pussy." i said before pulling my car into a restaurant.


before i knew it, my underwear was on the floor of a bathroom stall.

"oh, yeah! oh, yeah! oh! oh! oh! oh! carl!" i moaned as he pounded into me.

we both finished and i grabbed my phone to text debbie.

"who you texting?" carl asked as he passed me my underwear and he buttoned his pants.

"debbie, let her know we'll be home in a couple of hours. how many condoms do we have left, babe?" i asked him.

"hmm. 41." carl said.

"wait, we're only averaging one an hour? i think we're gonna have to cut back on your recovery time." i told him.

"i think we may need to stop for a case of red bull's and some tiger balm." carl said.

"mm, i have complete and totally faith in you, carl gallagher." i said before kissing him.

"good." carl replied.

we ended up stopping on the side of the road to have sex again and i was bouncing on top of him.

"oh, carl!" i said as he started grabbing my boobs.

we both came and i just looked at him and smiled.

"what?" he asked me.

"nothing, i just really missed you." i said as he kissed me.

"i missed you too, em." carl said.

"let's give you a break and get home." i said.


i pulled up to carl's house and i rubbed his shoulder.

"you think you're up for going one more time before we head in?" i asked him.

"i could really use a bed. i kind of threw my back out. that, and i need to ice my balls." carl said.

"maybe we could do it in the shower and then-" i said before both of our phones went off.

we both looked down at our phones to see lip had texted us.

"oh, my god. mel had the baby." i said.

"but something went wrong." carl said.

"okay, let's get to the hospital." i said.


lip was holding his daughter and the gallaghers and wilsons, along with kev and vee were all looking at her.

"boy or girl?" debbie asked.

"girl." lip replied.

"are you sure it's yours?" frank asked but everyone ignored him.

"mel?" debbie asked.

"i don't know. still in surgery." lip replied.

"it'll be okay." veronica told him.

lip just looked down at his daughter and smiled at her.

"that's your uncle and aunt." lip said since the baby was looking at carl and i.

"she's beautiful. she has your eyes and mel's nose." i said softly.

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