Colby: You could start the detailed now I walk you to gorilla and then continue after your match.

Becky: Ok.

They got up and started walking and she grabbed his hand.

Becky: Colby, I love you because you showed me that love is not meant to be taken for granted. I had to sit back and watch every girl you dated cheat on you and hurt you and all I wanted to do was just hug you, kiss you, and make the pain go away. It's hard watching the love of your life sit in his locker room hearing you say "Its my fault if I just made more time for her" and not be able wipe those tears away. But when Zarha cheated on you with Claudio, and I know you forgave him but that broke my heart. You give your everything-

She was cut off by Hunter saying her entrance is up, she nodded and gave Colby a quick kiss and got into position. Of course per Bayley's request Becky had little to no involvement in the match much like the lead up Shayna won giving NXT a near clean sweep except for 3 matches 2 were won by Smackdown and 1 was won by Raw. So at the end of the match Becky got up and swept Shayna's feet out from under her and sent her crashing down then put her through the other announce table and did a leg drop. When she got up she said "Give me my fucking title." Then proceeded to say "This is my fucking show" over and over again. When she got back Vince was glaring daggers at her and got up walked over to her.

Vince: My office, both of you now.

Colby: What the hell did I do I am just the supportive boyfriend? And more importantly what did she do wrong? So she dropped some f bombs. So what, Randy drops f bombs, Kofi flipped Samoa Jo the bird and the camera caught it, Randy flipped me two birds in a tag match. So when is it ok for the men to cuss and everything but women can't.

Vince: My business, my rules. She is off Raw tomorrow and that's final.

Becky under her breath: Sexist motherfucker.

Colby had to catch himself from laughing cause he knew he laughs, Vince questions, and Becky loses her title and job. They left the office and When straight to Hunter.

Colby: You need to do something about your old man in there.

Hunter: What did he this time?

Becky: He took me off the show tomorrow because I dropped some f bombs tonight.

Hunter: But-

Colby: I know what you're think, man and we already told him Ramdy did it too and Kofi with flipping Samoa Joe off and Randy flipping me off years ago he wouldn't listen.

Hunter: Come with me.

They walked back to Vince's office and Hunter doesn't even have to wait.

Hunter: What the hell is wrong with you, Vince. Becky says the f word twice and she is off Raw for tomorrow night but Randy, Kofi, myself, even Shawn has dropped some f bombs hell Shawn said shit on tv. So why didn't any of us get punished but Becky did.

Vince: Like I told her my business, my rules.

Becky: Hunter you can't fix stupid and you can't argue with arrogance. I will take my punishment but just know I don't play by yours or anyone else's rules.

She grabbed Colby's hand and they walked back to their locker room.

Colby: I know something to take your mind off of that drama.

Becky: Oh yeah what's that?

Colby: You could pick up where you left off with earlier.

Becky: Oh yeah. You give your everything to Zarha and it was torture seeing you kiss her knowing I wanted it to be me. Wishing it was me. I would go to bed in tears because I was so in love with you and didn't want to want to ruin your relationship with her and when I saw you were going to propose to her I took a hiatus to clear my head. But then I came back and she slapped you and walked away just rubbing your jaw that's when I realized Claudio came clean and dumped Zarha. Then Sarah came along and the torture came back and then she came here with a diamond ring on her finger and I went to Ash who set me up with Luke and we were fine until everything happened and that day I ran into your arms and kissed you it was magic. From the moment our lips met it was amazing. The way you wrapped your arms around like you were protecting me. Then when we first made love you made me feel beautiful. For the first time in my life, it felt like, I felt beautiful, like I was worthy of being loved and loving someone. Colby, I love you with all my heart. Colby, I could go on for another-

She pauses looking at her phone and realizes she had been talking for close to 3 hrs and they were already almost to Colby's house.

Becky: Holy shit, have I been rambling for 3 hrs.

Colby: I wouldn't say rambling rather pouring your heart out. I don't know why I didn't see it sooner. I should have known that you had feelings for me every time Zarha or Sarah kissed me I could see you walking away wiping tears. Becky, I am so sorry.

Becky: Its ok we are together now and that's all that matters.

Her phone rings it's ADA Stone.

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