Mending Broken Pieces

Start from the beginning

  Nixie smiled widely, elbowing Jasper in the side to get him to do the same and when they both did, Alice quickly snapped the photo. "Perfect" she cooed, before turning her attention to the top of the stairs as Edward and Bella made their way down.

  Bella glanced around the room, candles and flowers littered the whole place as the Cullens stood in the middle. Her breath caught at the sight, she didn't expect this much attention on her all at once.

  Carlisle was the first to greet the birthday girl, "sorry about all this" he apologized. "We tried to rein Alice and Nixie in."

  Esme laughed at her husbands statement before giving Bella a hug, "as if that were even possible" she joked. "Happy birthday Bella."

  The hug was interrupted as a flash went off in Bella's face, the stunned girl quickly releasing Esme and looking to Alice.

  Seeing the look on Bella's face, Alice spoke, "I found it in your bag. You mind?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

  Nixie leaned against Jasper, soaking in his cold skin seeing as she was beginning to get a little hot. "Dating an older woman" she heard Emmett tease Edward. She let out a chuckle at his words and then a full blown laugh when she saw Edward's face.

  "You first Rosalie" Alice informed her sister, encouraging her to give Bella the gift they picked out.

  Rosalie gave a small roll of her eyes before shoving the bracelet in Bella's direction.(I know it's originally a necklace but I made it a bracelet because of the necklace Nixie got her) "It's a bracelet" she informed, "Alice picked it out."

  "Thanks" Bella replied, grabbing the box from Rosalie's hand. She wanted to say more but she didn't want to push Rosalie's buttons and piss her off.

  Jasper placed a kiss on Nixie's head as they watched Alice make Edward and Bella take a picture. "I love you" he whispered, while his family was distracted. He felt her arms make their way around his shoulders before she pulled him towards her. He laughed at the goofy look on her face before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and cradling the right side of her face. He connected their lips in a sweet kiss, releasing her when it quieted down.

  Nixie couldn't believe that this is where life had taken her. She was truly the happiest she'd ever been and she could finally think of her future without feeling guilty that Gale and her father weren't a part of it. Sure , she missed them dearly and thought about them every day, but she knows now that all they would want is for her is to live a happy life. And Jasper was her life, she realized. She didn't need anything else as long as he was there. She was no longer that broken doll dreaming of a boy with glue. Jasper was her glue, and he had pieced all of her broken shards back together and mended her damaged heart. Now every time it beat, it was beating for Jasper, and Bella, Charlie and the rest of the Cullens. This was her family now, and life couldn't have dealt her a better hand.

  "This ones from Emmett" Alice spoke, handing Bella an empty box. Bella shot her a confused look before shaking the box and hearing nothing inside.

  "Already installed it in your truck" Emmett bragged, "finally a decent sound system for that piece of...

  "Hey" Bella protested before he could finish, "don't hate the truck."

  That forced a chuckle out of everyone present, even Rosalie let a small smile grace her face.

  Alice wasn't done yet though, placing another gift in Bella's hands. "Open Esme and Carlisle's" she insisted, excited to see Bella's reaction.

  Bella gripped the small box, letting a genuine smile overcome her features. "A little something to brighten your day" Carlisle said, placing an arm around his wife. "Yes" Esme giggled before teasing the girl, "you've been looking a little pale lately."

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