Lloyd and The Mechanic shake hands, Lloyd pulls back quickly, looking scared. I feel Kai rest a hand on my shoulder as the warden opens our cell. "Let's hope Darreth gets us out of here soon. I don't know how much longer we can last in a place like this."


Darreth walks into the room and picks up the phone, the second he puts it up to his ear, the boys go crazy.

"What are you doing to get us out of here?!"
"This is no place for a nindroid."
"I-I don't look good in stripes!"
"They're all so mean, you have to help us!"

I sigh and run a chained hand through my hair. Nya gives me a tired look.
Lloyd shushes the boys. "While we're stuck in here, the Djinn is out there."

"I'm doing everything I can. Borg wanted me to tell you that the Djinn broke into Hiroshi's Labyrinth stronghold and took the Realm Crystal," Darreth explains.

"Oh, not that again," Jay groans.
"The bad news about that is, we believe the Djinn may now have his old crew back."

Kai throws his hands up. "You have to get us out of here!"
"I'm trying, but it looks like your on your own. Be strong little ninja." Darreth stands up, walking to the warden

"Are you kidding," I yell, wanting to punch Darreth right about now. The boys all bang on the glass, trying to get him to come back.

"This conversation was useless," Nya sighs.


"I've always liked the purple ninja," some inmate says, getting uncomfortably close. I frown, looking at Lloyd by my side.

"T-thats cool, here you want this," I hand him my plate of food, sighing in relief when the putrid smell is out of my nose. He smiles creepily, stepping away from us.

Lloyd leans the rest of us over to a table. Two others sit there. "Hi, guys, care for some ninja company?"
The two grunt then leave the table.

Zane shrugs as we all take a seat. "Guess they can't all be fans."

"Look even if we're trapped in here doesn't mean we can't take action. So, what do we know about the Djinn?" A fork stabs into Lloyd's place.

"Did someone say Djinn?"
I look up to see Captain Soto. "You best not be speaking about Nadakhan the Djinn."

"So that's his name," I mumble.
Soto acknowledges Jay as 'annoying' turning to Nya right after. "But who be you? A-another pajama woman?"

I watch Soto push Lloyd so he can sit down.
"No. You look really familiar."
The way he says his words makes me shudder. Cole look at me, feeling me shake. I give a small smile.

"Let's cut the small talk," Lloyd says, making everyone turn to him. "You know him?"

"I was the one who caught him."
Kai leans over the table to look at Soto. "But how?"

"Let me try to articulate me words so that you can visualize it."

I stare at my hands, playing with my fingers as the others listen in. I'll have the others fill me in when needed.

Ninjago // Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now