"Yeah, he just discovered something about me..."

Harry whips his body around to face him and perches a comforting hand on his shoulder."Humor me." Troye bites his lip and exhales deeply.

"Harry, I'll understand if you'd hate me a-"

"Out with it."

"I am th..the Wild Bloom." Harry raises a quizzical brow and makes a confused noise at the back of his throat."What I'm saying is that...I work as a stripper."

"Holy Molly."

Niall was in the gym jogging on a treadmill with Katy Perry blaring in his earbuds. Even then he was lost in his thoughts. He had landed on a handsomely paying job as an assisstant of the CEO of Olivia's Architectural Designs. His boss was quite generous and kind-hearted though a tad too strict when it came to work ethics. That man was capable of sacking an employee on account of sheer tardiness.

Seriously, the motherfucker would be smiling in your face You're fired. But all in all he was the coolest boss...he never snapped at his employees and regarded them with utmost respect. Judging from the golden photo frame on the desk of his office, the man had a gorgeous wife and a beautiful little girl.


Niall was yanked out of his thought by the sudden thud before him.

"Ooopsy daisy." He hops off the treadmill and disconnects his earbuds. He offers his hand to the girl sprawled on the floor. She lifts her head and her dark brown eyes behold his blue.His jaw slacks as he takes in her long dark hair, sun-kissed skin and her perfectly arched brows.

She reaches for the offered hand with a sly smirk on her cherry lips.He catches a glimpse of tattoos on her arm. Loving this Mitchelle Rodriguez-esque bitch. He attempts to help her find her footing but he ends up losing his. She grins devilishly and hops onto her feet pulling Niall to his.

"Dude, either you're hella wimpy or I weigh a million pounds."

Niall cackles at her sharp New York accent.

"Well, you look like a million pounds."

He watches with horror as one of her delicate hands perch on her hip while the other strikes him across the face."Asshole."

"What did you do that for?" Niall laments cradling his cheek.

"You just called me fat!"

Niall chuckles.

"Americans,"He shakes his head, "I just complimented you. In my world it means you're lovely."

"And where are you from, exactly?"

"United Kingdom, I'm Irish."

"Oh, well thanks, you little leprechaun."

"I'm Niall by the way," He offers his hand for the second time.

"Demi," She grabs his pale hand and shakes it, "I was about to do some squats."

"Mind if I watch?"

"Nope. Perv."

He watches as she effortlessly grabs a large barbell and hoists it behind her toned shoulders. She crouches then straightens with alarming ease. This goes on for about fifty rounds.

"Hey, blondie," She offers him the barbell, "let's see you lift this bad boy. Show no mercy."

Niall takes it from her and he stumbles under the weight.

"What, too heavy?" She scoffs.

"Nope." He strains out and struggles through ten reps of lifting the heavy object.

Demi doubles over in laughter. "Are you fucking serious?Ten?"

"Well, I am not The Rock."

"Yeah, neither are you Vin Diesel."

Shame I can't be the Dom to your Mitchelle. Niall shrugs after setting the heavy metal down.

"What else do you do in the gym other than running on the treadmill like an idiot?"

"Well, I'm a great ring boxer." He blurts, eager to impress her.

"OMG!" She squeals and before he could fathom it, she drags him into an actual boxing ring.

Save me!

"Here," she tosses him a pair of of blue boxing gloves, "I can't believe we already have something in common." With trembling hands, he slips the gloves on as she slips her own red pair on.


He nods weakly and poses awkwardly with his fists out in front of him.She throws her first punch, which by pure luck he evades.

"Wow! I'm dealing with a pro. And don't hold back just because I'm a woman." He throws a left hook at her but she ducks, landing a blow at his abdomen. He groans and takes a step back. She throws a couple more blows which hit home while his sorry ones barely reached her.

With him in all white and her in black gym wear, they looked like legit opponents.A last blow to his jaw sends Niall crashing down.

"How do you manage to suck at everything?"She crouches next to him.

His pale skin was covered in pink blotches and there was a promising black eye. "I'm sorry I lied,"he coughs weakly, "I only do the treadmill and I just joined the other day, actually."

"Boy, you are sure stupid. I could've killed you."

"All I wanted was to impress you."

"All I wanted was a fair fight."

They both blurt out at the same time.

"So long, dude."She leaves the boxing ring without another glance at her victim. Niall groans and lays still.

Way to go Nialler.Way to go.

-Aw, little Irish fella

-Long Chapter? Nah😌

-Tons of love❤

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