"Ugh, why did I fall for that?" Lucas groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "I was gonna save that for when I was depressed!"

"Well, you're rich enough to go buy out Nutella from every store in the state, so I wouldn't be complaining," I retorted.

"I hate it when you're reasonable," he grumbled. 

"I hate it when you're an asshole," I shot back, smirking after my victory.

"Shut up," Lucas muttered.

"You shut up."

"No, you shut up."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up," I sing playfully, still cradling the Nutella carefully.

"I give up," he groaned. "Just share the Nutella with me, okay?"

I shook my head. "Nope, not gonna happen. You're never gonna get me to share Nutella, not even after I go to join Jesus Christ in heaven." I mentally facepalmed myself for saying the last part, since I had been a former believer in Jesus. However, after the night, I stopped praying and going to church and doing the rest of the religious shit.

"Jesus Christ will forgive me if I take a few bites out of the jar," Lucas smirked and made a grab for the jar, but I swerved out of the way. Laughing, I started to run around the house, grinning like a maniac.

"Haha, come and get it!" I taunted playfully. I turned around to see Lucas right on my tail, and I sprinted even faster before running into a rock-solid wall.

"Watch it," a friendly voice said before a hand plucked the Nutella out of my hand. "You might want to look where you're running next time, Natalia."

I looked up to see a handsome face looking down at me. The guy was at least 6'2'', and his face had the same chiseled jaw and electric eyes as Lucas' did. His body was well-toned, and his jet-black hair was messed up as if he had just gotten out of bed.

"Hey there, sweetheart. I'm Jake, what's your name?" he smirked.

"Leave her alone, bro," Lucas snapped, a spark of annoyance in his eyes, along with something else.


I almost laughed out loud. Lucas was jealous of his brother because we were talking to each other? Well, there was a new one. "Calm down Lucas, you don't need to protect me from someone you're related to."

"Yeah, well don't blame me if you get in bed together and you catch his STDs," he grumbled, his eyes narrowing to ice-blue slits of jealousy.

"Hey bro, want some peanut butter with that jelly?" Jake joked lightly. "Oh wait, I forgot. The peanut butter is too good to waste on an asshole face like yours."

I tried to choke back a laugh, but it bubbled out of my throat before I could stop it. Before long, I was full-out dying from laughter and rolling on the floor. "C-can I have some w-water?" I choked out before I started laughing again.

Lucas scowled at me and let out an annoyed sigh before walking to the fridge and taking out a bottle of Dasani water. "Here," he said gruffly, placing it into my hand. 

"Thanks," I replied gratefully, taking a sip of the cool water before choking on it as another laugh escaped from my throat. My stomach felt empty from laughing so much, and my mouth felt like it had been stretched. I cleared my throat and stood up again, trying to finger with my hair in an attempt to make it look less messed up. "Okay, where were we?" I started.

Jake let out an easy chuckle. "I can see why my ugly-ass brother likes you," he chuckled, thoroughly checking me out without a hint of shame.

I blushed and bit my lip. "Whatever," I muttered, slightly embarrassed. "Do you know where my brother is?"

"Oh, you mean Isaac?" he asked. "Yeah, he went to the bathroom to have a piss. He should be back in a little bit."

"Hey, who's talking about me?" my brother's voice yelled from upstairs. "Jake, are you talking to my little sister?"

Jake yelled back, "Yeah, you never told me that she was so hot!" He smirked at me, mischief sparkling in his eyes.

I could imagine Isaac rolling his eyes and shaking his head in disbelief, questioning his friendship with Jake. "Natalia!" my brother called, his voice echoing down the stairs. "What did I say about dating boys?"

"Calm down, Jesus," I grumbled. "You don't need to protect me from boys, you're a boy yourself. I'm not making out with him, we're just talking."

Isaac came stomping down the stairs, a pissed expression showing clearly on his face. "I swear to God, Talia, you're going to be the death of me." He glared at me, then at Jake and Lucas, his eyes blazing fiercely with brotherly protectiveness. "You two better not have been fucking around with her, because you'll be dead if I find one of you in bed with her."

I winced a little, trying to shake the memory out of my head. "Okay, okay, that's enough," I muttered, slapping Isaac gently on the arm. "Can I just see which room I'm sleeping in so that I can get my homework done?"

Lucas smirked. "You won't have to go to school if you don't want to. The school doesn't care, and Isaac is technically your legal guardian right now since he's old enough and your guys' mom is in China or whatever."

"Hong Kong. Our mom is in Hong Kong," I corrected. "Which is technically a part of China, but it's still a separate country. I think."

"Yeah, yeah, Ching Chong, Ping Pong, Hong Kong, whatever," Lucas grumbled. "I'm the geography bee champion, so it's not a big deal."

I laughed. "Who knew that the jock boy would also be a nerd?" I snorted. "If you're the geography bee champion, you better get your facts straight and remember all that shit."

Lucas groaned and rubbed his temples. "You're driving me crazy and you haven't even been here for an hour."

"Well, now you and Isaac have something in common!" I chirped. "How about this: one of you show me my room, and the other two just go do something purposeful. Sounds good? Alright then, good." I smiled sweetly and added, "Now would be better than later."

"Fine, I'll show you your room," Lucas sighed, clearly still annoyed. "You're not my mom, and I'm a big boy, okay?"

Isaac and Jake hurriedly ran up the stairs, muttering something about playing a new video game on the new PlayStation that Jake had bought. I chuckled to myself and followed Lucas to my temporary room.


Aah, I'm so sorry about updating so late! Please don't kill me. *covers face shamefully*

Also, what do you think about the story so far? Can you think of a song that would go well with the storyline?

Well, that's all for today, folks. What song are you listening to right now?

XOXO Petalleaf

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