Chapter 3 - Too High

Start from the beginning


I managed to find my voice.
"The casualty, do you know who?"
My father who looked unfazed since the Major walked in sent me a glare, his only reaction since the news.

"We have not been able to identify her, but it's obvious she's not a staff."

I went numb.

"She's alive but unconscious. A few injuries but could have taken hits to the head and other parts. Emergency services are attending to her as I speak."

It's her.
No it's not.
The only thing my mind played on a loop. Hundreds of visitors trooped into the building everyday, maybe one of them got unlucky.

"In the mean time access card control in elevator E1 has been deactivated to provide access to all staff and enable them get to their floors faster, so it's going to be a packed trip. But we can get the chopper here before your meeting ends to avoid the hassle."

But that explained why Everest never saw her alight.
And the missed calls.

Like one struck by bolts of electricity, I picked my phone and charged towards the door leaving my father and the others stunned. I saw the lights of the silent alarm blinking but everyone looked calm, I guessed security got to them in time.

I dialled his number in a heartbeat.
"Please tell me you got her and she's alright." I paced the hall and waited for his voice to come up over the loud sirens blaring in the background.

"I'm sorry but one of the elevators malfunctioned and-"

"God. No no. No!" I screamed over the phone and stumped my foot hard against the floor.
She came because of me. Because I refused to talk to her first. It was all my fault.

I trashed my arms and grabbed the rear of my head with both palms out of reflex. I wasted no time to hear the rest of his update before I darted to elevator E1 and pressed the darn thing non-stop until my fingers became sore, but the indicator only showed the cab many floors below me.

 I wasted no time to hear the rest of his update before I darted to elevator E1 and pressed the darn thing non-stop until my fingers became sore, but the indicator only showed the cab many floors below me

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My legs carried me towards the staircase, my only instinct to get to the ground floor.

But then strong hands tugged me. I turned to see Hakim's towering figure and firm grip on my arms while my father strolled down the hall with anger etched on his face.

"You disappoint me boy." He shook his head in disapproval.

"This is not the time nor place for this Dad. I need to get to her!" My chest heaved with emotions only God understood.

He pointed in the direction of the boardroom.
"You will put yourself together, walk back into that meeting and apologise for being irresponsible."

"I'm sorry but I need to go now!"

"The only place you will go is back in that room to discuss the future of this company! Your future."

"She's hurt because of me." I whimpered.

"Just take a look at yourself you pathetic child! Twenty eight years of being raised and trained by your mother and I, four of those spent working in this company, and you still don't have your priorities set straight. This company is falling apart piece by piece and all you are concerned about is some nameless lowlife from the suburbs of Lagos? What do I have to do to pass a resounding message!"

"Do not speak of her in such a manner!" My voice raised and a few people noticed the commotion but none dared to stare.

"Do not abuse the privilege of being my son. You are still an employee and I expect nothing but total concession and discipline from you!"

I pulled away from his minion and hobbled down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs, his voice brought me to a halt.

 Halfway down the stairs, his voice brought me to a halt

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"One more step. Just one more and you loose everything! My name. Your position as the CEO of this group and every fighting chance of becoming future Chairman of the board."

"No. You won't do that." I said. Weak, my knees turned to jelly.

"Then go ahead." He said, and signalled to the stairs.

I didn't have to. I knew the outcome already. He would rip off my dreams and inheritance from under my feet without a second thought. After all the only reason I became his business favourite was because he did the same to my older brother.

I slumped to the ground defeated. Clutching my head, I leaned on the wall for support while I just glared at him.

"Good. The company will take care of the hospital bill and compensate her. But that is all the connection there will be between her and this family. No more. You will forget her sorry ass and get married to Annabelle Martins. The next time the both of you so much as step foot in the same building, it will be worse than a faulty elevator. I'll raze down the entire building if I have to."

Oh no, I hoped my ears heard wrong.
"Dad, What the hell are you saying?" My voice wavered.

He stared down at me with a knowing look on his face.
"Stay away from the girl and she will be fine." With that he gestured to Hakim and turned towards the hall.

"What have you done! Did you try to kill her?" My voice echoed in the stairwell.

"Tried?" He scoffed.
"I never fail at anything yet she is alive. This, my boy, is just a warning." He adjusted his glasses and made for the boardroom.

I pulled out my phone and called Everest.

"Please. Do not leave her side. Watch over her until I find a way to her."

I dropped the phone and sobbed bitterly.
The pang in my chest unbearable, I fixed myself up and climbed back. Just like a coward, I walked down the hall and back into the meeting.

Well well well! I see you've met the Chairman😨. So what do you think of him guys? Don't forget to comment on this chapter and vote. You can vote on this chapter by tapping the star at the bottom left of this page.

The picture above is of the character, Chairman Williams Agaba Adakole.

Love. EneChelsea.

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