I began to slowly put my guitar down, but continued singing. Amy had yet to move so I made another move... I wrapped my arms around her torso, brought my lips to her ear.

        If I could go back and admit I was wrong
        I would take it all back and you will still be mine.

        If I only had a time machine
        I would take you back to the moment
        That you fell in love with me,
        You’d stay there forever.

        Don’t you know that I’d do anything
        To make you understand,
        Understand that you are everything to me
        If I only had a time machine.

        At the end of it all, I placed a kiss on her neck hoping that she was ready to forgive my stupidity... Unfortunately, I was wrong.

        "I-I-I-I-I can't."

        Those were the last words she uttered before walking out of my room and maybe even out of my life.

        I ploped down on my bed and well, the freaking thoughts came flooding in.

        I had taken a chance. I had given it my best shot and had been shut down.

        Maybe it was time to come to terms with the fact that Amy would never... Or could never, forgive me. I had to let her go and let her live her life, even if it meant to stay away from her. Even if my heart ached. Even if I hated that option and even though my heart belonged to her.

Amy's POV:

        I practically had run out of her house the instant she had finished the song. I just couldn't stay there any longer. The longer I stayed, the more my urge, my desire to kiss her, hold her, and be with her, grew. I couldn't let that happen... Not because I didn't want to, but because I wasn't sure if it would work out. I don't know if I could ever really trust her again. I mean, the song... That song got to me and it had taken everything in me not to turn around and let her see the tears that had been building up within my eye. It was beautiful, but she cheated on me. She had crushed my heart. I don't know if that can ever be fixed.

        I would continue to ignore her, to avoid her, and love her from afar.


No One's POV:       

        That week had been one of the hardest and most aggrivating weeks for Karma and Amy.

        Every day Amy had gone to pick Karma up for school but every day Karma had either left early or not gotten in the car. The same thing went on when Amy tried to give her a ride home from school.

        Karma still continued to hear the whispered judgements. She kept "sulking" for the lost of the one person in the whole world she loved and continues to love. Liam tried everyday to talk to her, show her how he loved her, but she would always shut him down and repeat that she didn't like him in that way. She'd always tell him that Amy was the one for her, even of they were officially over for good.

        Amy had avoided Karma. She had even noticed that Karma had haulted all effort on getting her to listen. At this point, Amy didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but either way, she was still in pain. She wasn't even sure if it would ever go away.

        Shane and Lauren saw just how broken Amy was about the whole Karma situation whenever they were all at Lauren's house, tucked away in Amy's room, talking with her. They knew it had been the right choice to tell her about Karma and Liam, but they couldn't stand to see Amy so...So vulnerble. Not once had she been the sarcastic and happy self she used to be. Her eyes had sadness written all over them and they would glow with it whenever Amy caught a glance of Karma. Of course, the two weren't blind and noticed that Karma didn't seem that great either, especailly with all the gossiping that was been done about her cheating on Amy. So, Shane and Lauren talked and well, Shane had brought up something that both had been thinking before... Karma wasn't completely to blame, she had been used, she had been chosen for the bet because she had been dating Amy and wasn't thought to be the cheating type or anything. However, she was a very insecure person and wanted nothing but to be liked so she could like herself... Liam had taken advantage of that part of Karma.


        It was Sunday night when Liam knocked on the Raudenfeld's home. Amy was the one to open the door and made a disgusted face when she saw that it was Liam at her front steps.

        "Booker, what do I owe this displeasure to?"

        "Look, Amy, I know you hate me," he began and Amy snorted with annoyance, "but I wanted to talk to you about Karma."

        Amy sighed and allowed him to go come inside.

        She led him to the living room and they both took a seat, far from each other.

        "Spit it out Booker, I don't want you in my home longer than you have to be here."

        "It's about what happened the night of her birthday. Before she went to meet you at the meadow, she came over to my house..."

        Amy looked unimpressed. "I know that so if that's all, don't let the door hit you on the way out."

        She was in the process of getting up when Liam went on, "No. That's not all Amy. We... Well, actually, she talked to me and I think you should know what she told me."

        That grabbed Amy's attention. "This shold be interesting."

        "I'm going to tell you this only because I see how hurt and broken she is, especailly with the talking that is being done behind her back... And because I love her..."

        Amy rolled her eyes.

        "She did go over to my house that night but only because I told her that I had a gift for her and that I would leave her alone if she went. I honestly had the hope that when she arrived, she would stay and we would share a kiss. Unfortunately that is not what happened at all. She got there and I handed her the gift but she was about to leave in that instant. However, I stopped her and tried to kiss her. Well, she shoved me away. She told me that I needed to stop and thanked me for the gift, which she would not be opening because she didn't want anything from me. I asked her why and she told me that she had only gone so that I could leaver her the heck alone. She went on to give me this long speech... It was basically about how she loved you. How she only had and could ever have eyes for you, even if we had kissed on different occasions. She emphasized on how everything that had happened between us had been a huge mistake, one she would never make again because you have her heart. I grabbed her hand at that point and was going to speak but she pulled away from my grasp and shut me up. She told me that she was going to tell you everything the next day because you deserved to know the truth and hear it from her. She couldn't keep it from you any longer and she couldn't keep lying to you because it was tearing her apart. You are so loving, caring, and the best person in the world and you don't deserve it. The last words she said before leaving were 'When I'm with her, nothing, nobody else exists. it's just me and her. When I'm with her, I'm stronger... We are stronger together. Please stay away from me.' "

        Amy was glued to her seat. Liam sounded and looked sincere and true to what he had just said. She knew he was not lying and it made her happy, in a way. Karma, her Karma had said all of that...

        Liam left Amy with her thoughts and showed himself out the door.

Song is called Time Machine by Jason Chen.

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