Pushing the doors to her chambers open she was shocked to see that Catherine had made herself at home on her bed whilst the servants and maids got the equipment out and made space to hang her dress.

"Ah," Catherine gasped, her eyes brightening when she noticed the red head had shown up on time "She's here, let's begin."

The handmaidens rushed around Tulia getting her undressed and dressed again as quickly as possible, it was a big task considering the amount of dress there was. It was slightly awkward to have Catherine watch the whole thing but she was glad to know that her betrothed's mother did not resent the wedding like she had done with Mary and Francis'.

The dress was the most beautiful thing that Tulia had ever laid eyes on. The main part was pure white with golden flowers and patterns embroidered onto the bodice, it would have been improper for her to wear a dress that did not reach her shoulders and so shawl like sleeves were attached. The sleeves, although not truly sleeves at all, were made of lace and netting with the same embroidered flowers displayed on it, however this time the flowers were either white or golden. The clasp to join the lace sleeves together was a symbol of union between the Valois and the Byrnes. A fleur-de-Lis that fits perfectly, when connected, under the legs of a rearing stag.

The bodice was tight and fancy but the bottom of her dress flowed out in an array of materials. White netting and golden fabric swirled around majestically as she walked. The material of course reached her feet and with every step that the Queen took a pair of white heels could be observed breaching the netting.

Her hair had not been done today but she was to wear it mostly down but with the sides braided together to join at the back with a golden rose to symbolise house Tudor. Her crown would be embedded into her hair securely. Although not the official crown of Ireland she had decided to wear one similar.

The crown she was to wear on the wedding day looked like a delicate tangle of vines that stood in points at various places to represent the needles on a crown. It was not big or fancy but Tulia believed that it represented Ireland perfectly.

Once the handmaidens had finished preparing the dress for Tulia she was allowed to gaze upon her reflection in the mirror. Tulia was not usually a vain person but looking at herself at this moment, she saw only beauty. She did not feel like a Queen, she felt like a Goddess.

"You look beautiful." Catherine's voice sounded from behind her as the Queen mother walked around the younger girl to observe every detail that lay on the dress. "Truly, I am nearly speechless."

"Then I must be nearing perfection." Tulia mocked, knowing it took a lot to render the Medici woman without a word to say.

"Oh my dear, you are a vision of beauty." She cooed, picking up the crown from the dresser and spinning it around in her hands. "But this crown, did you not want something more.... exciting."

"It is exciting." Tulia grinned. "Do you know what type of tree that the crown is made of?"

"No, but I'm sure you are about to tell me." Catherine deadpanned.

"It's English oak." Tulia smiled. "It was a gift from Henry VIII to my aunt, Princess Riona."

"A subtle statement, to the untrained eye." Catherine nodded in approval. "Your silence will confirm your claim."

"I know." Tulia smirked, taking the crown from Catherine's hands and putting in on her head. "It's a reminder to my people that I will take what I am owed."

The crown lay on her head perfectly. The shape and form fitted her as if it were made for no one else. Tulia was as much of her mothers child as she was her fathers. She just had to choose which attributes that she would use.

Long May She Reign (1)Where stories live. Discover now