"Act casual! Continue singing," he said, closing the door behind him.

Was he really going to hide in the closet?

Even though confused, Elissa continued to sing.

"ERIK! Prince Erik WHERE ARE YOU!" said a voice of a woman.

Suddenly, this beautiful girl in an emerald dress barged in. She had long blonde hair and her eyes matched her dress. She was intimidatingly beautiful.

"Who are you?" said the girl, eyes like a blazing fire.

"I should be asking the same question," Elissa raised a brow. Who was she to barge into her bath?

The girl lifted her chin up proudly. "I'm Princess Talia, daughter of the king of Franquoi! Are you one of prince Erik's mistresses?"


"What?! I haven't even met the prince, let alone loved him!"

"Then why are you here?"

"I came for the library I-"

The princess waved her hand in dismissal. "Ah, you've bored me so you don't know where he is?"

"No I-"

"Oh where can he be?" Talia mumbled to herself. "Oh well carry on. You have a wonderful voice. You should come sing for me at the castle once the prince and I get married. On second thought, you are awfully pretty. Just stay away from my prince!"

With that, Talia left the room. Erik came out of the closet with his hand over his eyes.

"Don't worry I'm not looking! That was close," he said.

"If she's looking for the prince then why are you hiding?" Elissa asked, doubt obvious in her tone.

"Well, the prince and I look very much alike. I'm used as his double. But I cannot get caught in the hands of Talia, she will dig up the prince's location from my head with her nails. Evil crazy obsessive woman," he shivered.

Elissa laughed at his fear of the young princess. "Well, you can leave now! Send Lily in please."

"Who?" He asked confused.

"The young maid outside," she explained.

"Oh yes, you have a lovely voice you know-"

"Leave Ethan," ordered Elissa, quite irritated.

Lily came in carrying a royal blue dress.

"What's this, where's my dress?" asked Elissa, looking behind her shoulder for her old dress.

"Um Ethan was it.. He asked me to bring you this," she replied looking nervous.

"My dress was fine, I'll just wear mine," Elissa frowned.

"I'm sorry ma'am, it was an order," she shook her head.

Elissa sighed in defeat. There was no way to convince her otherwise. Lily fixed the dress and style Elissa's hair. Elissa dared look in the mirror. The dress was beautiful. It made her complexion and eyes glow. Normally, it would feel like a burden, but Elissa was in love with the dress.

She stepped out her current the bathroom to find Erik sitting on the bed still waiting for her whistling to himself. He stopped mid whistle once he saw her, his lips still pursed.

"What's wrong?" Elissa asked. "Do you think I look bad? I can just switch back to my dress."

She began to doubt herself.

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