Finial Night/Confrontation

Start from the beginning

She truly had a angry face on her. I got scared and dashed through the door I just came through. I pulled the door on the other side of the room open and went through it. I started running down the stairs. Springy was chasing after me. The gust of wind was trying to knock me down as I ran down the stairs.

"You came to me..Only to just ran away from me!!!!" She shouted as she chased me down the steps.

I came to the corner in the wall of the stairs. The wind was blocked and I took this opportunity to jump on down the stairs. I jumped through the puddles of blood I came past earlier. I finally made it to the bottom of the stairs. The closed gate was blocking my way of course. I ran up to the gate and mustered up all of my strength to lift up the gate. I grunted as I tried to lift up the gate.

"Your gonna regret running away from me!!!!" Springy yelled as she was about to reach the bottom.

The gust of wind was starting to return. Springy was getting close. I finally lifted up the gate enough for me to get under. The gate closed on Springy, and she was stopped. I backed away from the gate shaking. She then let out a dark laugh.

"You think this gate will stop me? Well, think again!!" She ripped the gate out of its entrance like paper.

I screamed and ran into the maze. A gust of wind shattered the mirror walls. I ducked in cover to keep the glass from hurting me. After the glass broke, I hopped back to my feet and started running again. The whole area was a black void now. Springy was right behind me with the dark energy in her gusting out of her. I saw the trapdoor that Busty fell into earlier. With Springy after me, it was my only chance to get away from her. I ran over to the trapdoor and started jumping up and down on it to get it open. Springy was closing in on me.

"You left me three times, and I won't let you leave me again!!!!" She yelled.

Finally the trapdoor opened and I fell through it. I screamed as I fell down. I fell into a pile of panties (lucky me). Everything was quiet at the moment. The room was pitch black; which made me feel very uneasy. I got up and walked through the darkness. A spot light appeared above me. I walked into another, then another.

"Mitch-Kun, how could you do another woman while you were serving in the Marines?!" A group of Spring Bonnie's surrounded me. I coward down on the floor.

" Springy!!!! That is not true!!!! I would never give my heart to another woman!!!! I love only you and Goldie!!!!" I screamed crying.

Everything got quiet again. I raised up my head down.

"Springy...I'm so sorry for making you suffer. It's all my thought this happened. If only I'd just listened to you, this would've never happened. A child died because I wasn't there to stop those teenagers from stuffing her into Goldie's breast. I've never felt so guilty ever in my life. I could've had a happy life with if I didn't go to the Marines. I'm pafidic, I know as I just wanted to take my own life as I felt you wouldn't have forgive me. I'm here now, and I'll accept whatever you do to me. I love you, Springy." I said.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I raised my head up to see Springy smiling at me. She wrapped her arms around me.

"Oh Mitch-Kun. I wasn't all that mad with you. I knew you always cared about me and Goldie. I would never hurt you as I was just angry about what I went through. I'm really sorry for making you go through all this babe. I never meant to hurt you. I also, understand that none of this was all your fault. You couldn't have known this would've happened. I forgive you my love." Springy said smiling and she kissed me.

"Springy, I was a fool for leaving you." I cried.

"Don't worry about it anymore. This nightmare is over with." She said.

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