"What are you?" he muttered shocked.

He didn't have enough time to feel fear though because suddenly the being was gone from his sight. Hastily Nagato checked his surroundings when a cold shiver ran down his spine and he reluctantly turned his head to look behind himself.

And there was the being. A humanoid black-white plant that smiled sadistically at him with empty yellow eyes and relishing in his fear, knowing full well that it only played with him. Never before had Nagato felt like a prey meeting its predator but this being was like something out of this world.

Everything turned slow motion when the being stretched out his hand but Nagato was unable to dodge it.

His hand touched his shoulder and the being whispered: "Temporary Paralysis Technique."

The Uzumaki struggled against the paralysis technique but all he could do was to move his eyes and watch fearful as the being circled him like a predator.

"So strong but at the same time so weak. It would have been fun seeing you in action when you had lost your mind, but I guess you can't have everything," purred the being and cold sweat covered Nagato's body.

'What's he talking about? Me losing my mind?' he thought confused.

"You'll make a good addition to Madara-sama's collection."


Suddenly the beings' hand was above Nagato's heart, whispering: "All-Killing Ash Bones" and a sharp pain consumed his whole body.

Incredulously, the red-haired shinobi stared at the black bone that pierced his chest until his legs collapsed under him and he hit the ground unhindered. Blood started to fill his throat and he coughed violently only to watch as it turned the grass beneath him deep red. Slowly, it dripped from the corners of his mouth and he suddenly had a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach when realisation finally hit.

He wouldn't return home.

Black dots evaded his vision as he stared into the night sky for the last time. Images of his friends appeared before his inner eye, of Konan's smile and Yahiko's laugh, their time with Jiraiya-sama and of the young silver-haired boy that had saved them once. And he was deeply sorry for leaving and hurting them.

Then his vision went dark and he yearned to see the sparkling stars again. Suddenly he felt very light and then he took his last raspy breath before he was gone. A lone tear rolled down his cheek from his empty eyes.

Uncaring about the tragedy that the death of this strong shinobi was, Zetsu leaned over the dead body and harshly pulled out Nagato's Rinnegan eyes, sealing the eyeballs into a container.

Looking at the dead shinobi once more, the plant-like being shrugged his shoulders and sank into the ground again.

"You'll indeed make a great addition and Madara-sama already thanks you for your eyes," Zetsu muttered before leaving the dead body with his empty eye sockets to either to be found by travellers or to be left to rot. He didn't really care. He got what he came for.

Meanwhile in Konoha, a festival of a different kind took place.

It was the 10th of October and a day that was incredibly happy as well as very sad for the villagers of Konoha. It was the birthday of their revered fourth Hokage's son Naruto Namikaze but at the same time it was the death day of their late hero Kakashi Hatake. After a few years where the villagers didn't know how to deal with these conflicting emotions, Minato had decided that during the day they would celebrate Naruto's birthday and during the night there would be a ceremony for everyone to thank their hero for his sacrifice.

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