Pre-fight for Brew

Start from the beginning

“It’s more fun.” Aura smiled. “Acting mature is over rated. I tried it before when I was a student of the DWMA. All it did was piss me off.”

“Right… So what are you doing here anyways? I can sense you don’t have one of my mother’s spiders hidden on you, so you’re clearly not here to serve her.” her voice was belittling on the word “mother”.

“I’m not allowed to visit my friend?” Aura innocently asked as she sat next to Hoshi and put her in a head lock.

Hoshi tried to get out of the blonde’s grasp again, “Friend? You torture me half the time!”

“Well if I didn’t like you I’d either completely ignore you; or if I completely detested you I’d beat the shit out of you. Pranks and teasing are my way of showing affection.” Aura smiled.

“So that’s why you pulled that ridiculous prank on Giriko, because you have feelings for him?” Hoshi asked with a raised eyebrow. Aura’s smile faded and the expression that emerged was accompanied with a strong blush. “I’ll take your reaction as your answer,” Hoshi smirked.

“I-It’s not my answer!” Aura protested.

“Now I see the joy you get out of doing this to me,” Hoshi laughed.

Aura grumbled then looked around and asked, “Where’s Zetha at? Or for that matter, where are Kid, Patty and Liz? I haven’t seen any of them since I got here.”

“Sudden change of subject, but okay. Kid, Patty and Liz had some kind of training going on at the Academy; I believe Kid mentioned something about Team Soul Resonance practice. As for Zetha she said something about painting… I didn’t catch all of it; she was running off in the opposite direction as she said it.”

“… I’m not sure if I should be afraid of Zetha painting or curious as to what her twisted mind could have come up with.” Aura pondered the possibilities.

“Now that I’ve answered your questions, it would only be polite of you to answer my question as to why you’re here.” Hoshi was still irritated by her unwanted disturbance of her relaxation.

“What you don’t like my answer of wanting to see my friend?” Aura tilted her head to the side curiously.

“No, I just know you and you usually have an ulterior motive,” Hoshi replied bluntly.

 Aura sighed, “Fine, you got me.” She held her hands up in defeat, “I’m here to help you assert your feelings.” She managed to keep her face straight and serious, practice of this was clear.

Hoshi’s eye twitched as she snapped, “I told you to cut that out!!” Aura started laughing; Hoshi’s reaction she had given her was more than she had hoped for.

Aura wiped a tear from her eye as she finally stopped laughing and said, “But in all seriousness I didn’t wanna just sit around while the others were talking about some battle that I can’t even be a part of.”


“I don’t know, something about some magic tool and blah blah blah,” Aura waved a hand as if to dismiss the subject.

“If that’s the case, then why aren’t you here in Death City with one of her spiders?” Hoshi questioned.

“What part of,” Aura waved her hand again, “did you not understand? But since you asked, it’s simple. I’m not usually a part of big things any ways, not to mention I can’t participate; so me hanging around the Death Room while they discuss the matter would be suspicious.”

“How is it you can go from joking around to serious and mature in no time flat? Is this all just a game to you?” Hoshi questioned, quite puzzled by the blonde.

“Everything can easily be a game if you think about it right,” the blonde smirked and got up from Hoshi’s bed and walked over to the window. The smirk became a laugh once she looked out said window.


“I think I figured out what Zetha meant by painting,” Aura was still laughing at the sight.

Curious Hoshi got up and joined Aura at the window and looked out it. Outside was Hoshi’s friend Zetha, and around her was the entire front of The Gallows which she had apparently just finished painting; half of it red and the other half, blue.

“I’ll give her this, she works fast!” Aura was still laughing at the sight.


“What’s wrong mon amie?”

“Kid is going to freak out when he sees this…” Hoshi stated still staring at the “art work” Zetha had created.

“I think that was her goal. Seen as she usually tries to aggravate him,” Aura was finally starting to get herself and her laughter under control.

Hoshi remained silent as she continued to look out the window. Outside she could see that Zetha was now heading back inside.

In a matter of minutes Zetha was on the third floor room with them.

“What do you think? Isn’t it awesome?” Asked the younger weapon who seemed quite proud of her little art project.

“Awesome for freaking out an OCD Shinigami? Yes, it’s perfect for that. Unless you had no intention of that, then I must ask if you’re feeling alright.” Aura stated giving a thumbs up at the start then dropping it by the end.

“Zetha, why did you do that?!” The young witch questioned.

“Because just tilting the paintings throughout the mansion just wasn’t doing it any more. I thought this would be more unexpected.” Zetha replied as though it was obvious.

“Well now that you’re done with that, if you wish to release something through the place to cause more “asymmetrical” problems I know a place you can get a komodo dragon.” The elder of the two weapons stated.

“Where?!” Zetha asked enthusiastically.

Aura quickly found something to write on and with then scribbled down the address and handed it to her, “Here ya go.” Once the paper was in Zetha’s hand she was off.

“Where the hell did you find a komodo dragon in the middle of Death City?” Hoshi asked.

“I know a guy.” Was Aura’s quick response. “But now that she’s gone I can tell you my new plot.” Aura added wrapping an arm around Hoshi’s neck.


“Yes, for as you said yourself, Kid will flip when he sees Zetha’s little ‘art project’. So what better time than then to tell him your feelings and attempt to calm him.” Aura smirked and said in sing-song.

“You’re not going to give this up easily are you…”


“No matter how ridiculous your efforts are?” Hoshi questioned. Aura nodded the smirk still on her face. Hoshi sighed, “Fine, I’ll do it, if not only to get you to shut up about it. But you have to kiss Giriko on the lips, when he’s sober.”

Aura blushed, but then thought about it; he was nearly never fully sober. “Ok, I suppose that’s a fairish negotiation… And my efforts are not ridiculous, you’ll see,” she finished again in song.

Hoshi raised an eyebrow, curious to the blondes reasoning, as she headed out to wait and fulfill her part of their agreement.

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