"Excellent" I said after I took my books and closed the door. "How was your blind date last night?"

She groaned "ugh don't remind me about that. Not only was he 13 year older than me he was asking a lot of question about my sex life, what a pedo! I excused myself to the restroom and never went back. I didn't even last 20 min with him."

I frowned. "I told you I never trust blind dates. Nothing good comes out of it. Remind me again why you went there?"

Honey listen what if the guy you're meeting turns out to be a serial killer? Unless you're dumb you wouldn't go on a blind date. Allah gave you brains people learn how to use it.

"A, I'm done being single unlike you." She said. It's true I was single my whole life and it's not a secret. For you it's sad, for me it's a blessing. I don't want someone to date for a while and have my heart broken. Nu uh I'm saving all my firsts for my husband who I'm gonna spend with my whole life.

"I'm waiting for my prince charming" I sighed wondering what he will be like. I hope he will be good looking at least with a good personality, if he is handsome but with a nasty personality he can hit the road.

"Yeah I will never understand you. I think mine is stuck in the traffic and I need to go get him because the traffic signal is broken but he doesn't know that." She exclaimed.

I chuckled "babe if he's written in your destiny, he will come to you even if he has to wait an eternity for that traffic signal." I said.

She smiled " that's why I love you, you're always so positive and because I'm a negative person, without you I would already fall deep into depression." She told me. " let's go we're going to be late." And we went to our class.

In my school we're divided by class. Before you're begin high school you have to choose a program that you study in in order to become what you want to be. For example there's a business program, economic program, environment program and a lot more. So I'm studying business and so is Lisa.

And you have to be with your class for 4 years, having the same classes together and basically seeing each other everyday. And in this school every program is known for something. For example mine is known for the crazy one, the economic is the queen bs and the jocks one, environment is the nerds and so on so fort.

Concentrating in class I saw Lisa sitting right next me watching Riverdale on her computer. For her information we have an exam on this class the day after tomorrow.

"You better study now. We have an exam soon." I whispered to her.

She paused the film and turned to me and grinned. "It's okay. I have you"

"No you don't, I'm not gonna help you cheat this time. Last time was THE last time."

She dropped her smile and pouted. "Meanie".

After the first period we had two and a half hour free pass. I wanted to do my homework.

Do you know how much homework I got. Unlike someone right here (Lisa)I need to pass this class. I won't accept anything less than full marks on every classes.

"I'm gonna do my homework in the library, you wanna join me?" Look she's gonna say no.

"No, I don't feel like doing homework." She said.

"Alright have fun and call me when we begin our next class okay? You know how I forget time when I'm focused."

"Okay see ya" she waved.

I went to the library which took me like 5 mins because it's another building far away. I soon as I entered the library I was shocked.

Wooaaw there's so many people in here, well the exam week is coming up and the graduation is in a month but these people are serious. The air is intense no one is making a sound. The only sound I hear is the tapping on the keyboards.

Great I can't find a single seat.
Looking around, my eyes landed on a empty chair.

Sighing in relief I hurried there so that no one will reach it before me. When I reached there, I placed my books on the table and as I sat on the table I noticed that someone was sleeping on the seat in front of me.
A guy. I couldn't see his face which he had on his arm that stretched out on the table. His hair is black and soft.

I shouldn't think like that. Shooing away my thoughts, I started on my work .
Puuuhh Alhamdulillah I finished.
The library is still packed and a second later my phone on the table started to vibrate. I picked it up.


" Amal the class is starting in 2 min." And I thought I had time left to rest my head.

"Okay, I'm coming." I said and hung up.
I began gathering my books and found my phone beside the still sleeping guy.

Why is it there?


Not wanting to waste time I took it and went straight to class.
Here you go guys, the first chapter of The Plan Of Heartbeats. This chapter is not edited so bear with me if you find some typos or anything off.



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