On The Run

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All the kids at PK Academy were in a panic, a emergency broadcast had told them a meteor was heading towards them and the blast radius was all of japan and it would hit in about 30 minutes so in conclusion everyone began to panic except for one individual, Kusuo Saiki.

Good Greif

Not only was everyone in the classroom panicking making all kinds of noise Saiki had a killer headache from a premonition this morning about a meteor destroying the whole planet. While everyone braced for impact Saiki got to work. Stepping out of his seat Saiki walked out of the classroom to the rooftop.

When Saiki reached the rooftop he began by taking off his limiter safely tucking it in his pocket. Focusing on his prime objective Saiki jumped into the air flying towards the meteor. The meteor was actually really close it was just barely entering the atmosphere and because of this it was blocking out the sun. Saiki was moving so fast anyone who was on the ground would only see a blur of blue and pink light.

As Saiki neared the meteor he began channeling all of his strength into his fist. This was a big meteor and his goal wasn't to destroy it, no. He wanted to send it back into outerspace but far away enough that it wouldn't comeback.

Focusing on his strength Saiki flew  right up to the meteor keeping pace with it he then slammed his fist right into the rock sending it flying back into space like it was never there.

Saiki let out a sigh, good grief that was hard, now time to get back.  Saiki cut himself short as he turned back around to see his worst fear a satellite was staring right at him and it had a camera watching him.

Reacting quickly Saiki used his  psychokinesis to send the satelite flying into space.  Maybe it wasn't his brightest idea but if it kept his secret safe then it was worth destroying a government satelite.

Saiki teleported back to the school in the bathrooms.  Putting his limiter back in Saiki tried get ahold of himseld.  He was shaking, sure the satelite only saw him for a second but that might have been long enough to take his picture.

Trying to calm himself down Saiki took a deep breath and walked back to class.  As Saiki entered the class he noticed how everyone was more calm now and not screaming there lungs out that the world was gonna end.

Saiki maneuvered around the desks to his seat where he was then bombarded by his 'friends' asking where he was.

Shooting a quick awnser of 'in the bathroom' all of them took there seat and watched as the teacher began to speak.

"Ok class I know how scary that was just now but don't worry the government took care of it, so we have no reason to panic".  Saiki sighed, they were playing it off that the government had shot a missile at the meteor that caused it to fly off into space.  Makes sense, who would believe some unidentified force catapulted the meteor billions of light years away along with a satelite.

Saiki grinned, his secret was safe.

Saiki after his internal celebration tuned back into what the teacher was saying.  "And to calm are nerves the government released this video to confirm what happened to the meteor".  With that said the teacher rolled out a TV from the hallway and began playing the video.

It was of a military general standing behind a podium, "people of this amazing nation, I am proud to say that we survived a event that would've ended us all.  That being said let us assure you that the meteor is gone and to the best of are knowledge isn't returning.  However I don't want to lie to my fellow man and that is why I am telling you that the military didn't stop the meteor-"

Saiki blood ran cold and he was frozen in his seat, they wouldn't.

"-moments after the meteor was suddenly launched into space a satelite caught a picture of what appears to be a man floating in space with his hands outstretched towards where the meteor was.  We have reason to believe this individual had a hand in getting rid of the meteor.  We weren't able to get anymore images due to the fact shortly after the first picture was taken we lost contact with the satelite.  Here is the picture now."

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