Part 3 - New Info

Start from the beginning

"Jyggalag..." The Daedra muttered. Oh, his enemy from ages past. He felt anger well up within him, but really, should he have expected anything different? Wait! He WANTED this to be of Jyggalag! Euphoria flooded over him!

"We're going to beat him this time! He doesn't stand a chance this time! This is good! Even if it's bad. But I think it's a GOOD good thing!


"No need to worry your little brain about the details. We need to return to the temple and see the details of these carvings"

"Not going to happen. The whole place came down around me when I picked up this" She gestured to the nightstand.

His heart leapt into his throat. His mind was racing. He who is me, but not me who was and will be although not at the same time! Do we really stand a chance?

He gently wrapped his fingers around the cloth and picked it up. This was it! The crystal! She had retrieved it! The cloth was a deep blue velvet. When he uncovered it, chills went down his spine. It wasn't a crystal shard like he'd expected. It was far, far more! He held a dagger in the cloth. The blade was some crystalline substance similar to the obelisks and was a deep, impossible blue. All the cuts, down to the smallest were perfect, flawless... expected from Jyggalag of course. He stretched his fingers out to smooth them over the dagger and the moment he did he regretted it. He jerked his hand back immediately. He examined his fingers, and found them burned, frostbitten actually. "Colder than ice" left his lips, barely audibly.

He looked up at Deirdre and saw that she had passed out.

"Thank you" He whispered, and left the room.


Deirdre woke up with a terrible headache wondering where she was. Jerking forward, an excruciating ripping agony resonated in her right shoulder.

"You may want to treat that shoulder with care. The doctor worked hard to set the bones back in place." A familiar voice droned on. She relaxed and laid back.

"Haskill, I need to speak with Lord Sheogorath! He needs to know about the cave and the dagger!" Deirdre exclaimed.

"Ah, yes. The dagger and bones you had" Haskill sounded bored. "Yes, you spoke with him last night. You may not remember, as you were quite tipsy. He actually would like to speak with you as soon as possible. Best not to keep our Lord waiting too long, he gets rather... creative, when bored, so we try to keep him from getting to that point too often."

"Riiiiiight..." Deirdre sighed. Gritting her teeth she slid her legs over the edge of the bed slowly standing up. Looking up, Haskill was gone. She carefully dressed herself, mindful of her shoulder.

She softly padded down the hallway to the throne room and noticed Sheogorath with a book in his lap. He seemed quite absorbed with what he was reading and it took him several moments to notice her. He suddenly slammed the book shut and looked at her.

"YOU!!" He sprung to his feet, book dropping to the floor. "Are going to help me stop Jyggalag!"

She jerked backward, painfully, startled at his sudden outburst.

"Who's Jyggalag???" She demanded. "I keep hearing his name thrown around, but never any explanation as to who he is. All I know is he's an enemy of yours."

"Deirdre, Deirdre..." He plopped back down, ignoring the book. He looked angry. "Jyggalag has been my enemy of ages past. He is the exact opposite of me. Therefore he hates me, hates everything to do with me in fact! The Daedric Prince of Order!" Sheogarath leaned forward. "He arrives at the end of every era and destroys everything I've worked so hard to build. Tears it all down, I tell you! I'd invite him for biscuits and tea, perhaps a few unwanted visitors roasted on a spit... But when he's here, I'm gone" He was snarling now, catlike eyes fully dilated, he looked down right fearsome.

Part 1 - Sheogorath and the Mysterious StrangerWhere stories live. Discover now