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My thoughts. Just for today. Some days are just harder than others. I write a lot on here. To be completely honest, Wattpad has been a way of coping through some really tough shit. I never intended to get this many reads. Thank you guys for that. More than anything, I'm hoping the people who do relate to my experiences know that there is some hope. Part of my life is hidden in every story. They're mixed with fact and fiction for you guys to enjoy and for me to heal.

Life. One short word with years of definition. It's crazy how you could be surrounded by people and still feel completely alone. You could have a great job, or good grades, friends, a great family, all of it and, still feel empty. Like something is missing. Like pain is still lingering around you. The pain of your past lurks around you like a dark cloud. I write happy endings to my stories because that's what I believe this world needs.

Sometimes I get caught up on the bad and forget to realize how far I've come. If I can give anyone reading any advice, please remember today isn't yesterday. If you got out of bed good for you. If you went outside and faced your fears. Good for you. If you beat depression just for a few minutes.... and found a reason to fucking smile you won. You won today. Sometimes it's like that for me. Sometimes a small victory is overlooked by years of bad and someone has to remind me that I fucking smiled so I won.

Today is one of those days for me. This is me reminding myself that I smiled today.

When I'm finding it hard to smile. I'll probably update here.

Hopefully this didn't waste your time too much.


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