He just looked at Francis and shook his head, 'later' the receiver of the gesture seemed to understand as he nodded back with a serious frown and emotions seemed to swim in his sparkling clear blue eyes...

After seeing the quizzical glances that looked towards him, Arthur called the meeting to an end earlier than usual. Not that many minded.
Of course a certain strict country was going to object but even Germany was no match for the hormonal Brit, "And I don't bloody care if we haven't got much done. We're in my land so we'll do what I say, got it?" No one said a word just looked shocked at how ungracious the gentleman was being.

Once everyone was packed up and heading back to their hotels, Arthur felt a tap on his shoulder implying that someone wanted to speak to him. It wasn't the person he was looking for though. He turned to be faced with two younger nations than the Frenchman. Iceland and Hong Kong stood before him with uncertain looks upon their faces.

"Come with me."
"Us. Come with us please maybe Emil."
Emil then proceeded to drag Arthur into a smaller room and locked the door.
"I assume this is about your brother?"
"Yes and me and also ,I'm guessing, you."
"Urgh just tell him! Honestly if your like embarrassed about it then why am I even here?!"
"Not everything's about you Leon!"
"It's not all about you either!"
"Umm hate to interrupt but you were saying?"
Emil just looked at Leon and gently nudged Leon's hand that was placed on his cheek.
"Right. Well I'm assuming your pregnant too?"
"Yes with... How the bloody hell do you know?!"
"Because like, Ice and Lukas and you are in the same situation! Congrats your gunna be a grandad and a dad!"
"What? You're being serious?"
Emil nodded at him.
"Is... 'He' the other parent of Lucas's child?"
"Kids actually, twins. And yes, not that the obnoxious idiot knows it. Lukas wants it to stay that way too by the way."
"Of course. And I'm assuming that yours is Leon's child? I didn't know you two were together..."
"Yes it's mine and-"
"We aren't together. I just don't want to do this on my own and also Lukas forced me to tell him."
Well now Arthur was in an awkward position but at least he didn't feel like so much of a freak anymore. He knew that his 'son' had a thing for the silver haired boy but wether Emil felt the same was questionable.

Arthur wasn't alone, he wasn't the only one. Two others were in the same predicament, one of his closest friends was in exactly the same situation, only difference between Lukas and himself was that Lukas was actually dating Mattias but obviously DenNor had hit a rough wave...

"I'll contact Lukas when I get home."
"Too late for that, knowing Lukas he's already at your house."
"I don't keep tabs on him all the time. Nor do I know what goes through his head."
And with that, Emil left and so did Leon mouthing and apology before leaving.

Arthur went to find Alfred after that and yet again got dragged into the secluded room.
"What the bloody hell? Can people stop dragging me into small and secretive rooms today!"
"Sorry Iggy but I need help..."
Alfred had been found.
"That's rich... What did you do now? Start another Cold War?"
"Umm kinda. Well possibly uh maybe?"
Alfred awkwardly scratched his neck and diverted his eyes from Arthur's gaze.
"How can you 'maybe' start a Cold War Alfred!"
"Well I might have got his sister knocked up?"
"I don't believe Ukraine would ever do that with you so stop lying and be straight with it."
"Kat would never do that!"
"Don't lie to me Alfred why are you bothering me?"
"But I'm not lying!"

Then Arthur got what his old colony had meant with his previous statement. As in Leon's case, Arthur knew that Alfred liked the beauty that was Russia's sister. But to be honest no one would believe that Belarus would be in a relationship with anyone but her brother (not that it would ever happen) let alone with her brothers main rival...
"You've got to be kidding me..."
Alfred still had that solemn face as Arthur sighed deeply.
"Alfred tell me your joking."
No response,
"God Alfred you can't be that stupid can you? Are you in a relationship?"
"Not completely kinda a friend with benefits thing? I didn't think nations got pregnant, ok?"
"Apparently we weren't told correctly, apparently none of us thought so... It had to be Belarus didn't it?"
"She's misunderstood and she just needs someone..."
"You've fallen for her badly haven't you,"
Alfred nodded and unlocked the door,
"Please Iggy, I don't wanna make my kid hate me."
"I'm hardly the best father figure plus I can't help you much, I'm in a similar situation."

After explaining to Alfred and sorting out a plan to gather all the current expecting nations at England's, Arthur went to find Francis.

He'd decided to tell him but also tell him that he didn't want his help out of pity.

When he did eventually find Francis it was beyond heartbreaking. Francis was flirting and nuzzling the neck of an equally flirty Belgium. Arthur's blood ran cold as he retraced his steps around the corner before anyone saw him.

His heart slowed and felt like it was shattering. How could he think he'd ever have a real chance at being with his first love again? Both people had made it clear all they could do was fight or get stupidly drunk together since the beginning of their existence. Yes Arthur admitted that Francis was his first true love. He'd done that when he was a young nation, he got over it though.

The time he'd figured out he loved Francis first was when he watched Joan of Arc die. He saw Francis weeping afterwards and felt so much guilt and when Francis refused to look at him... That was when he knew for definite that he loved him.

On the drive back to the apartment, Arthur mentally prepared himself for Lukas. He received a text from Francis asking of his health again but Arthur simply replied with
'Just a hitch in my economy, nothing much. Now leave me alone.'
After that he got to thinking.
He'd also decided something.

If one of the twins was a girl, he'd name her Joanna. In memory of the woman who'd shown him his true feelings of the man he never stopped loving but who he'd never have a family with. These two beings inside him would be his family. And this time England, AKA Arthur Kirkland would do things right.

Okay.... This was supposed to be really short... That didn't happen... Anyways here's the next chapter! I like how the plot developed(sort of) but not sure about the way I wrote this but hey... Also if you feel that Arthur's feelings happened to fast, reason is that he had always felt like that with Francis kinda like a mix of emotions but always something stronger there too. Also this is the final chapter with pregnant Arthur, I have no idea how it would work so this is as far as it goes with Arthur's pregnancy!!! So how do you feel about it? Goodish? Sorry for the long wait and long a/n but wanted to clear up some things but as always if you have questions then feel free to ask on here or on my tumblr (that I got not too long ago, another reason for wait sorry!) I may put up different hints up on my tumblr too so please check it out!
Tumblr: ze-ruby-topaz
Next snip scene features NI/Sera!

As I sat there with my brothers and their faces I couldn't help but give an awkward laugh. I may have let it slip that there were two new additions to the Kirkland's.... I didn't mean too but I was looking for names in a baby book and they caught me.... Scotland and Ireland were supposed to be drunk! Wales keeps to himself so doesn't intrude on me in my room!
"Sooo what now?"
Seamus asked his accent heavier than my own.
"We wait and when the tykes arrive we watch them, keep em safe. Understood?"
Allistor was always protective us all in small ways even if half of us don't get on with everyone.
" I agree, we must remain vigilant"
Wales... Being Wales I guess? Yes we remain vigilant over Arthur and his babes forevermore. Vigilant....
Cathasaigh... That means vigilant...
It's perfect for the situation.

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