Well, might as well tell you about the years you spent in Hell.




After you had rented a nice small apartment (for the fifth time), you were walking down the street. It was the year 2016, you happened to fall down here in the early 1900's. 1930 to be exact- anyways; you were heading down the street and some girl had managed to bump into you, causing her to drop some paperwork on the ground.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry. Here, let me help you with that." As soon as you grabbed one of the papers she snatched it away from you.
You looked at her, obviously offended by her actions. She stared back at you, her gaze hard but then softened.

"Sorry, just didn't expect an actual demon offer to help pick up a mess which another one caused." She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. She then turned back to you,

"Names Vaggie, by the way. Nice to meet you...." She trailed off-

You couldn't really put much trust into this female, since she was litterly a demon; but you shrugged nonetheless-

"(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Pleasure to meet you, dear!"


Vaggie sighed as she sat down on your sofa, "(Y/n), listen. We've been having a lot a stress on our hands. And I was wondering well- if you could help us with it?"

You stared at her, "What do you me we?"

She soon sat up, a joyful smile plastering across her face, "Oh! Me and Charlie have fully decided to announce the hotel to the public!"

Blinking you put a finger to your chin, thinking it over.

Well, I have been pretty bored with my death life and could use some new form of entertainment. I cant just listen to music all day waiting to go to my job at night.

Ah, yes. Your job. You worked a night shift at this fancy bar, being a bar tender and such. Shrugging you agreed to the offer, "Well, sure- I don't see why not!"


Vaggie led you up to this so called, 'Happy Hotel'. To say the least, it looked way better than any other hotel you've seen around this place. The building was tall, looking like it had 40 stories. And on the side of the building was- wait..
Is that the Titanic?!

You stared in awe at the features of the building. Vaggie took noticed and giggled, "Welcome to the Happy Hotel, (Y/n)! I do hope you enjoy your time here!"


You were now apart of the Hotels staff member's. Business was pretty slow, not much happened..aside from the part of Angeldust literally ruining the news channel with his little so called stunts. He; once again, caused a turf war.


You sat in the limo as Charlie yelled at the hunk of a junk, spider.

"What? What?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Charlie screamed, ripping some of her hair out.

Angel just scoffed, "Look, I owed my gal-friend a solid. Isn't that a 'redeeming' quality? Helping friends with stuff?" He just sat there, crossed legged.

"NOT with turf wars that results in territorial GENOCIDE!" Charlie stood, swinging her arms up in the air.
Angel once again, scoffed.

You sighed, crossing your legs you spoke, "Angel, dear; would you ever so kindly in taking this seriously?"
He turned to you, "Sorry, no can do! My credibility was on the line! I mean, what would the public think if I was trying to go clean?" He then chuckled,
"That just ruins my entire persona!"

Charlie sat back down, but continued to yell, "Your credibility?! What about that Hotels?! Your little stunt, made us look like a fucking joke!"

Angel laughed again, but in a polite manner. "No, no, jokes are funny, I made you look...sad, and pathetic-!"

These words were hurting Vaggie, you could see her hiding behind her hair at Angel's words.
But he continued, "AGH, not you got me bummed thinking about it." He sighed tiredly. "Does this thing have any cheap booze?" He said, scanning under the seats of the limo.

The fight continued, but you scooted towards Vaggie, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it'll be okay, Vaggie. We don't really know what will happen to the hotel but we still have a chance. Just be patient, dear!"

She gave you a small smile before the limo came to a stop. Hopping out of the vehicle, the four of you headed inside.

Sitting down on the couch was Vaggie, her eyes tired and saddened; while Charlie sat on the lobby's check in counter. You were about to walk up to her, but she left, opening the large hotel doors, phone in hand. 

You guessed she was making a call to her father, so you just sat next to Vaggie.

"So-" As you were about to speak, Charlie entered back into the room, only to stop when three large knocked padded against the door.

Knock knock knock

You could hear Charlie opening the door to a




Charlie walked to use, her face in a panic but irritated mood. 'Hey, Vaggie?"

"Yes...?" She replied in a tiredly manner.

"The Radio Demon is at the door." She said through a groan and hand gestures.

"The fuck is that?" Angel asked but was ignored-

Vaggie shot up, "W-WHAT?!"

"What should I do?" Came another groan from Charlie.

"Well, um. Dont let him in?" She said with uncertainty, but Charlie merely shrugged and opened the door anyways.

"M-may I speak now?' Came a sad radio like voice.

"You may-"

"A-Alastor. A pleasure to meet you, darling. Q-quite a pleasure." Alastor gestured his hand towards Charlie, but she merely waved it away.

That hurt Alastor, but he didn't say anything else. He walked inside the hotel, "I-I'm sorry for the sudden visit. But I saw your fiasco on the p-picture show. And I just couldn't resist, w-what a performance!"

Charlie scoffed, leaving Vaggie to bound up to Alastor. "Why Hello, my names Vaggie! Why are you here?!" She then gasped, "Are you here to hurt us?!"

Alastor gave a small weary laugh, his eyes then turned into radio dials and the atmosphere seemed gloomy. "Dear, if I wanted to hurt anyone here. I-i would have done so already." His smile grew but his eyebrows were furrowed. His face seemed to be flushed up in a small shade of pink, and his voice became staticky.

He then turned back to normal, "N-no! I'm here to help!"

Charlie and Vaggie looked at one another, "Say what now?" Said Charlie.

Alastor gave a shy smile, "U-um! Help, h-hello? Is this thing not on?" He said tapping his microphone on top of his staff. A voice boomed back in reply, "Well I hear you just fine!"

You peered around the corner, gazing at the sudden guest. He was fairly tall, around 7'9 most, lean too. He wore a blue dress coat that looked like it was made for the 1920s, with that; dark blue dress pants, a darker blue dress shoes, and a lighter blue molecule.

His blue hair with light blue tips looked really soft, with tufs on the top of his head, guessing they were dear ears due to the placement of small black antlers between them. Scanning over him, you hadn't realized he was staring at you. You looked up, meeting his gaze.

You flashed him a smile and gave him a small wave before turning back around.

Alastor and Charlie continued to chat while Vaggie sat down, "So, what's the deal with Mr. Smiles?" Asked Angel.

Vaggie and I looked at him, "Wait, you dont know who he is? You've been here longer than me! The Radio Demon? You know, one of the most powerful demons I've seen?"
He simply shrugged, then sighed, "Not really big on politics."

Vaggie sighed, explaining how the so called, Radio Demon broadcasted his murder attempts just to show Hell how powerful he was and how the name was given to him, blah blah.

You already knew him, well, not really, but you only knew that he was really dangerous and you should stay clear of him. Angel interrupted your thoughts with a laugh, 'Hah! He looks like a blueberry pimp!"

You snickered a little, only to catch Alastor gazing at the three of you. You tilted your head to the side, staring back at him. He took notice and quickly looked away, a light pink brushed across his face.

He seems to get flustered easily.

You thought, just then you snapped away the thoughts and such and focused on the scene afoot.
All you knew was-

Dont trust the Radio Demon.


**Wow, this was one long chapter. Probably the longest one I've typed! Its probably because I didnt really know how to end it. But hope you guys like it so far. Sorry if it's a little screwed up. Stay tuned for more updates!**

Word count: 2055


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