"I just know it was coming" I hear Suga say to him. I look at Jungkook and start making a coffee for Suga. After finishing his coffee, I look at Jungkook who's waiting for me with Taehyung's coffee in his hand. He nods at something so I turn around to see 2 mugs of hot choco.

I smile at him. We both walk to the others and give them their coffee before walking back and getting our own drinks.

We both sit down on our own chair and start eating like Taehyung and Suga. I look at Suga for a while. That guy is so interesting. For some reason, I want to know what kind of person Suga is but on the other side, I just want a normal life without being scared of everything that could go wrong.

Suga is really beautiful. I notice it every time that I look at him. Suddenly he looks up from his food. He looks at me right in the eyes. Sh*t. He probably knows I was staring at him.

He starts smirking again and winks at me. I quickly look down at my food again and start hoping that he wouldn't see my burning pink cheeks.

------------Little Later----------------

We're all sitting on the couch. Well, Jungkook is sitting on Taehyung's lap. I'm just sitting on the huge couch with a blanket around me and Suga is sitting next to me but there is still some space between us. We're watching a movie right now because Jungkook wanted that and Taehyung couldn't say no.

I don't mind though. Watching a movie is great. Watching a movie means that I don't have to say or do anything and that means that I can't do or say anything wrong either. I stare at the screen and try to focus on the movie but it's pretty hard because Suga is moving all the time.

I turn my head to the side to look at him and see that he's closer than he was before. He suddenly puts his head on my lap. I don't really dare to move. I look at him but he has his eyes closed.

He moans softly and opens his eyes again. Taehyung is looking at him from where is sitting and waits until Suga starts talking.

"I'm tired already and it's only 9.30 pm" he says and he goes with his hands over his face and through his hair.

"I don't get that. I mean, you didn't do anything today. You only sat on that fat ass of yours, doing nothing all day" Taehyung says and Suga moves his head to look at him.

"And what did you do?" he asks and Taehyung is quiet.

"My ass isn't fat" Suga continues after a short silence. "Well I didn't do a lot today but I'll do things"

"When? It's already evening"

"I'm active at night" Taehyung answers and he grins at Jungkook.

Suga gags. "Disgusting," he says and Taehyung looks up again. "I didn't even say anything? It's just your own dirty mind" he says to defend himself.

"Oh, aren't we g-" Jungkook starts but Taehyung puts his hand on Jungkook's mouth. Taehyung looks at us and smiles innocently.

"Ew, keep it quiet please," Suga says and his head leaves my lap what causes me to feel cold. "I'm going to bed already" he continues and he gets up from the couch.

"You're going to sleep already?" Taehyung asks and he takes away his hand from Jungkook's mouth.

"I don't know if I will fall asleep immediately but I'm going to lay in my bed yes, I'm too tired to watch movies" he answers and he stretches his hand out to me.

I look at it confused but automatically but my hand in his because I think that's what he wants. I feel him pulling a bit what causes me to get up from the couch too.

"You're taking him with you?" Taehyung asks when he sees me getting up too with my hand in Suga's.

Suga doesn't answer but just groans. "Are you sure you're going to sleep?" Taehyung asks and he gives Suga a knowing look. "Taehyung, not everyone is like you" Suga answers and he pulls me with him to the stairs.

I look at Jungkook who smiles at me before looking at his owner and placing his lips on Taehyung's neck.

I follow Suga who walks upstairs. I walk a little faster because Suga pulls me with him. We walk into our room and we make ourselves ready to go to bed. Suga leaves me alone in the bathroom while I'm brushing my teeth.

I sigh relieved. I don't feel relaxed when he's around me because I'm scared to do anything wrong. I quickly go to the toilet before walking out of the bathroom too.

I go with my hand through my hair while walking to the bed. Suga is sitting on the bed with his back at me. I quickly get in the bed and turn my back to him. I don't really understand why I'm here.

He can just sleep on his own right?

I feel him moving. He's lying down now too. I feel him coming closer to me. His hot breath against my neck.

He's staring at me. I can just feel it.

I sigh slightly and turn around slowly. He sees it and shuffles up again. "Is there something wrong?" I ask a little insecure.

He immediately starts smiling. "No, it's nothing," he says and I nod slowly.

"Why did you need me to go to sleep? I mean.. I'm not that tired yet" I ask while starting to play with the blanket.

"You wanted to stay downstairs with Jungkook and Taehyung who are probably grinding on each other already?" he asks me and I think about it.

I feel myself blush slightly and shake my head. "Uh no.," I say and he starts laughing.

"You're cute when you're shy," he says and I wanted to react on that but he starts talking about something else immediately.

"I'm already kind of tired but I don't feel like sleeping yet either," he says and I give him a confused face.

"I just wanted to be with you alone because I want to know more about you" he continues. "I'm not super interesting. I'm even boring if you ask me" I answer to him and I pull the sleeves of my oversized sweater over my hands before bringing them to my face to cover it a little.

He brings his hands up and pushes away my own hands. "I think you are very interesting," he says. I shake my head slightly and pull up the blankets in another try to cover up myself as much as possible.

"Okay..I'm done," Suga says but he doesn't say it in an irritating way. He says it in an amusing way. He pulls away the blanket from me and rolls on his back. "Stop covering yourself up and stop telling me that you aren't interesting. We are going to have a talk and the only thing we're going to talk about is.." he starts again and while saying this entire he wraps his hands around my waist and he pulls me up.

I start shaking a little bit. I'm scared of what he is going to do. He puts me down on his stomach and also a little bit lower -what makes me blush slightly- and he puts the blanket on my shoulders.

So here I am. Sitting on top of Suga who's lying on his back on the bed. He looks up at me and I stare right back at him, looking a little down because I'm sitting on him. ".. you. It's all about you now" he continues and he gives me his sweetest smile.

So that's how I ended up telling my story. From the very very beginning. Every little detail that I remember from when I was younger and every little detail of what happened after that.

And Suga? He was looking at me with a very interested look on his face. Like he really cared about everything that happened in my terrible life. Sometimes he would give me a weak smile or he would nod and sometimes he would even pout at what I'm telling him.

I tell him about everything.

Everything that happened.

Everyone that I met.

Everything that I thought.

And maybe I even let some tears roll over my cheeks. Suga would see them, pout at me and wipe them away with his fingers.

I told him everything. I exposed myself to him.

And I was hoping that someday.. he would expose himself to me too.

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