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Word count : 2032.


(POV Nathan)

Nathan looked up from his bowl of cereals to watch as his brother hurried from room to room frantically, just like he did every morning.

"You haven't lost your keys, right?" His brother asked breathlessly.


"And you have money for lunch, yeah?"


"I have to go. Don't -"

"Don't be late for school, don't forget to lock the door, and don't get suspended again. I know," he said tiredly. Jason said the same thing every single morning, he had since it had started being just the two of them almost two years ago. Sure, it's nice to know he cares, but after a while, hearing the same thing every day would make anyone a little annoyed.

His brother smiled indulgently, keys in hand and jacket half shrugged on, "Right."

"Where are you going anyway? You don't have work today."

"Just this thing with Ravi," he says, "nothing much." He went over to Nathan and kissed the top of his head, chuckling when he grumbled and pulled away. He walked to the door. "I shouldn't be too late, see you tonight. Pizza?"


"Love you!"

Nathan waved his hand over his shoulder as milked dribbled down his chin from his exaggeratedly big spoonful. He was a teenager, declaring feelings made them break out in hives, or something.


(POV Matty)

Matty dressed up for the occasion. Nice shirt, nice pants, fancy shoes. He refused the tie his mom tried to push on him, though; she was very excited, but that didn't mean she had good taste. The first prize of the competition today was a massive sum of money, and they badly needed it. He knew there was very little chance he would win, but he'd never been a quitter and he would do his best, no matter how it ended.

He was nervous as she drove him to the tournament's hosting hotel. There hadn't been any information about the event; not who'd be there, not what they'd compete on. The only thing they'd been told is that they would try the new gaming system of the company for the very first time out of the designing labs. It was a huge deal. Matty had been a fan of video games his whole life and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He was beyond excited. He just hoped he wouldn't lose too quickly.

Luckily, they arrived early so he could go right in without having to wait around behind dozens of other fans. He was so nervous he didn't think he could stand in place without crawling out of his own skin. His mom kissed his cheek affectionately and left for work. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and walked in.


(POV Jason)

"Jason" a young man called from the platform. Jason looked over at him and smiled. He walked towards him, excusing himself every time someone jostled him.

"Hey Ravi," Jason said when he finally reached him. They exchanged a quick one armed hug and boarded the subway train. It was cramped and noisy, and it smelt rank, but it was better than buying a car neither of them could afford.

"What'd you tell Nate about today?"

"Nothing. I don't want him to be disappointed if it doesn't work out."

"Don't be like that, man. You have to believe we'll get it, otherwise what are we even going there for?"

"To get the once in a lifetime opportunity to be the first ever players to test the allegedly brand new, most advanced gaming system there ever was?" He said cheekily.

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