#9 Begining of the End, I Suppose

Start from the beginning

"Ok that's them." Thomas surges, "that's them. We gotta go."

"Go with out me." Newt murmured weakly, his face paler than before and his veins stuck out from his neck, lips painted a gross black. He turned to the side, hacking up black goo as he raspily took in laboured breaths.

Based on the look on his face, Thomas' heart dropped seeing his best friend like this. I place my hand over Newt's, which had collapsed to rest on the floor, trembling.

"Minho." Thomas whispered solemnly, "you gotta run ahead, grab the serum. Get back to us as soon as you can."
They shared a look, as if he was crazy and when he noticed Minho wasn't moving, he encouraged, "Minho, go."

"He's right." Gally stated calmly, "I can cover."
This guy doesn't show many emotions, does he?

"Sam, you're gonna have to go aswell."

"What are you talking about. No that's stupid." I shook my head, "It doesn't take three people to deliver a damn serum."

"It's priority, Sam-" He tried to counter argue, and it might've worked, if I hadn't had been in so much pain I'd have swallowed any pride and just gone.

"Don't you fuckin dare say that serum is priority over him okay? It does not take three people to deliver a serum."

And that was that.

Thomas looked me in the eyes, nodding smally, knowing what I said was logical.
Before they went, Newt grabbed Minho's arm, "thank you," he stammered raspily, "thank you Minho."

I shut my eyes closed. This was him saying goodbye, wasn't it. They flung open again when Minho spoke, "you just hang on, you hear me?"

We watched them scurry away, Newt watched in a daze. Thomas stood up to survey the coast, I stood too, hiding behind the wall to check the other way. I glanced back at Thomas, shaking Newt.

"Hey! Hey! Newt! Hey!" He yelled, his attention was caught as he stared at Thomas. "We're gonna try this, okay, we gotta move now."
My head flicked back from the shooters and the scene between Thomas and Newt.

"No!" He yelled back, "no thomas no," he stuttered as he pulled at a string around his neck. I frowned as it snapped off in his hand.

"You gotta take this." He growled, teeth gritted as he held it up to Thomas.

"We gotta get you up now!" Thomas argued, once again trying to take his arm and pull him up.

"Take it!" He bellowed, unusual for Newt's generally upbeat character. This caused my head to snap round. Thomas wrapped his hand around the trinket Newt pulled off from around his neck.

"Please." He breathed, "please Tommy, please" he sniffed, his sharp intakes decreasing as Thomas took the capsule that was tied around his neck.

I felt a pushing inside my mind, I closed my eyes and everything seems to stop. The pounding, the taste of metallic blood from my nose that had coated my throat. Newt's heavy breathing stopped and Thomas' mumbling too. I panicked. Rubbing my eyes violently, I opened them again. I wasn't where I was before.
I'm back at the church, why am I here?
I flinched as the words echoed across the walls. Suddenly every thing came flooding towards me.

All the furniture was back, the cathedral had people in again. They weren't moving, why aren't they moving?

Freeze frames of action shots. I first noticed Teresa, stood up from her chair, tweezer in hand. What's going on? I need to get back, I need to help Newt, I can't be here.

I shut my eyes again and rubbed them. Nope still same place. The next person I noticed was, well it was me. I trotted up to him, me, him? Me? Circling around me, I instantly knew what part in time I was in. My brain must've wanted me to see this specific part in time. But why is this significant? I shouldn't be here I should be helping Newt get the serum. They've probably gone. Left without me. They don't really need me.

Sam // The Maze Runner : Scorch Trials-Death CureWhere stories live. Discover now