His forehead rested on mine and he seemed to be smelling my hair again. "I broke up with Alec". His expression didn't weaver until it did into that challenging smirk... "Yeah anyone could've seen that coming, what he stopped putting out for you?"

"Ever crossed your thick head that maybe I was the one that broke it off?" I was smirking back at him now, my legs were still wrapped around his torso neither one of us with any intentions of letting the other go "It did but then I remembered your kind off a slut and can't go a week without fucking a guy, regardless if he's your boyfriend or not" the asshole shrugged at the end of his sentence as if it was common knowledge and then he raised his eyebrows. "Wow no witty comeback? You just going to accept that Clearwater? You're just going to let some guy call you a slut and what? Not retaliate".

He inched his head closer to mine till our lips were centimeters apart. "Go on prove me wrong, if you let me go and not kiss me right now then I'll take it all back". I didn't know what this game is that he's playing but by God I'll be dammed if I don't win it. "Honestly sweetheart" I said while stroking his lip with my thumb "That was cute. And I may be a slut but at least I'm not the one the whole town is talking about after trying to convince a bride to run away with me" I was smiling innocently up at him and I watched as his dazed lovey look turned into anger and he slammed my back against one of the brick walls of his house.

Okay so I was still confused about what this actually was and what was going on between us. I looked down at his tattoo, anything to distract me from the god that was currently staring at me. He knew what this was, that was evident at the bonfire last week. I started tracing it and it was like the act was erasing all of his anger it was a weird feeling. "your heartbeat is insane right now" I didn't really get that, but I mean I didn't get him at all. My heartbeat was erratic but could you blame me? I literally have my back pinned to to the wall and he keeps inching his head closer to mine. Honestly I don't know if i'm covered in rain or built up sweat from how intense this feeling is.

I don't know who initiated it but when his lips touched mine, I was on cloud fucking nine. The kiss seemed to intensify, and it was bliss, better than Paul, fuck! Jacob was the best kiss I've ever had. I rested my forehead on his again, my breathing was rapid like I'd just run a mile and his was regular but was he humming?...or maybe it was purring? I couldn't tell.

"...what happens now?" my voice was hesitant, vulnerable even. Jacob lifted his head from mine and his purring stopped. He looked into my eyes full of patience? Understanding? Again, I couldn't place it. One of his hands started playing with my hair, he seemed perfectly fine holding me in one arm, as if I was a small child. "lover, brother, protector... I.... you're suppose to choose and I'll be whatever you need me to be".

What the hell Black?!? Was that a one-sided kiss? Did he not feel whatever this is? Fuck I'm an idiot. Well screw this! Hell screw him!

"What if I want to hate you?" I inched my head closer to his face. "What if I want break you every single day until you're as broken as I am?" I turned my head until my lips were pressed against his ear "What then? You don't want this; I'd break you and not even bat an eyelash. I'm the heartless bitch remember". I rested my head back against the wall, waiting for him to prove me wrong, call me messed up again, hell I wanted him to fight for me. He started all of it two weeks ago at school when he wanted to be my "friend" and now he doesn't even give a shit?!? Like what the actual hell?

He stared back at me and I could tell he's slightly angry. Then he shook his head and muttered a "screw it" and the next thing I know he's kissing me. There was no room in this kiss for me to assert my dominance, it was like he was making a choice and that choice was I didn't have a choice. He pulled back and his eyes seemed a bit darker, a bit more intense.

"Screw all of it. I'm doing this my way, screw everyone else giving them the choice". Yeah okay because that makes sense. "We're different, we're not Sam and Emily or Jared and Kim. You're not sweet and you're not innocent... you're a bitch and you hate me because you're broken and well honestly it's a hell of lot better then being vulnerable right?". He was panting a little bit and as soon as I opened my mouth he cut me off "Yes I'm right, you don't get to choose I do, because did it ever cross your mind that I'm just as broken as you? It's rhetorical by the way sweetheart, it means you don't have to answer it.". Asshole I may be failing every class I'm in, but I know what rhetorical means, you don't have to mansplain it to me. I was glaring back at him now. "No, you don't get the fucking choice. I take it all back, your fucking mine. We can't survive without each other and if you decide to be petty and torture me every single day then fine, back at you sweetheart I can break you everyday and still get twisted enjoyment out of it. However, I'd like to see you try and break me, hell this might even be fun. Let's make a deal. If I break you first, I get to marry you so I can put you back together myself!".

He's fucking insane!... and marry him?!? We're seventeen for Christ sake! And I'm not Bella fucking Swan I wasn't marrying him. Hell, I planned on running away from this place so I wouldn't end up like every other Quileute girl, who were already proposed to by the end of their senior years. It was a fucked-up tradition, we married early and it led to allot of problems for our people. God! I'm surprised he'd be interested in something like that. I remembered him complaining about his sister Rebecca running away and getting married at eighteen. And yet here he was proposing in the most fucked-up way I've ever heard. It was probably the only thing that would've pushed me to agree to marrying him. The chance to crush a man who wanted to tie me down and the Asshole fucking knew it. Well screw him I wouldn't be tied down like every other girl on this damned reservation!. Prepare to be broken Black!

"And if I break you first, you leave me the fuck alone and take away whatever this is! I know you did something to me so If I break you, you break whatever voodoo shit you did to connect us!" He seemed to be considering my terms his brows scrunched together and then he smirked.

"yeah good luck with that" and now it was my turn to smirk "oh sweetheart lucks got nothing to do with it" and with that I sealed our deal with a kiss. 

Not Your Rebound Wolf Girl (Jacob Black)Where stories live. Discover now