Great. This stuck up chick was going to be pestering us in front of our fans. I decided that maybe I would take Liam's advice and just not talk.

We stood around for a couple minutes before we had to go onstage. I forced a smile into my face and waved at the crowd of mostly teenage girls.

"As you can see, I've got the phenomenal band, One Direction here with me today!" the woman said.

"Thank you for having us, Carrie," Liam said. I wondered how he knew her name. I then remembered that he had told me her name a few days ago.

"So, your first concert as a group of five was a success! What did performing in front of so many fans feel like, Harry?" she asked.

Well, so much for staying silent.

"Amazing," I said, wincing at the roughness of my voice, "I never expected to be able to do things like this in my wildest dreams. But standing in front of a huge crowd of people screaming our names, it just made it so much more real." Good, that was good. I could do this. She nodded, giving me a sickly sweet smile.

She talked to each of the boys for a while before turning back to me.

"So, I've been told that this is a very hard day for you, Harry. It's the one year anniversary since your sister died, correct?" she purred. I stopped breathing. I could see the other boys tensing up, even Louis.

"Yes," I choked out. I felt the familiar sting of tears in my eyes.

"Were you very close to her? It's been said that you were with her when she died," Carrie pressed.

Of course I was with her, you bitch! She died in my arms! Her last words were 'I love you'! Just remembering the pale, pained look on her bloody face as she whispered those words made it feel like something was clawing at my stomach.

"We were told that you were informed not to ask about that. It's an extremely sensitive subject," Liam growled.

"I apologize, I do. But it's something everybody wants to know! It was a car crash, right?" she asked.

I couldn't do it. The memories were forcing themselves into my head. I felt tears rolling down my face. I buried my face into Niall's shoulder. He put his arms around me.

"Stop bothering him, isn't it obvious from the fact that he's crying that he doesn't want to answer?" Louis yelled. He was sticking up for me. He seemed truly angry.

The girls in the audience were now protesting, yelling at Carrie.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't aware it was such a touchy subject!" she squealed.

"Have your sister die in your arms and then tell me if its a touchy subject!" Louis snarled.

He was sticking up for me? I didn't want to lift my head to see his expression, because then everyone would see my teary face.

"I sincerely apologize," Carrie mumbled.

"You were told not to say anything, so why did you? Did you do it for publicity?" Louis growled.

"Calm down!" Liam hissed, "You're being dramatic!"

"I am not being dramatic! Look at him, he's crying into Niall's shoulder, somebody needs to stick up for him!" Louis grumbled. But he didn't go after Carrie anymore.

After an awkward goodbye and a promise to return after a commercial break from Carrie, the cameras turned off.

I jumped up from the couch and ran off the stage.

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