Chapter |

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Chapter 1:
Warnings: cussing, a lot of it lmao
Edited: yea lol
A/n: um...enjoy? Hah bye loves

It was the day after Harrison had broke my door. It no longer shuts and I've been placing stacks of boxes and books I'm never going to read in front of it to keep it shut.

Honestly I'm still star struck and confused because of what Tom had said. Did he mean it sexually? No he must have been joking..but what if he wasn't. He has to be right he's like four years older than me! I'm nineteen. He's 23! But god he's hot. Admit it.

Anyway I'm sitting in bed on my phone, as per usual when suddenly my peace is interrupted by Harrison's loud ass voice from downstairs.
"Y/n! Come here please"
"Why?!" I question, I couldn't be bothered to get up.
"Me and Tom have a question!" He yells, sounding like he was ordering me to come downstairs.

I groan and start walking down the stairs, suddenly I feel super nervous remembering what Tom had said to me..would it be awkward? Nah. I stop on the stairs to take a quick breathe before I go fully down them.

"Finally, what's better minecraft or fortnite?" Harrison asks, this dumb bitch made me come downstairs for that? Controversial but still.
"Why?" I grumble
"Because we can't decide?" Harrison said as if it were obvious.

"I mean I have an answer but it might change...who said minecraft and who said fortnite?" I smile
Tom then shouts "MINECRAFT" making me jump, a chuckle leaving al of our mouths.

"My answer has not changed, minecraft" I say confidently, walking towards the kitchen.
"You bitchhhhhhh!" Harrison groans, falling back onto the sofa as Tom laughs.
"ITS FACTS" Tom shouts, although he sounded oddly nervous.
I stop in my tracks and turn to him, raising a brow

"Tom are you good?"
"I-uh yeah" he scoffs, sitting up as I suspiciously nod, reaching to grab some crisps from the cupboard.

"Im gonna put the kettle on, y/n are you sitting with us?" Harrison asked, standing up and heading to the kitchen, it was all open so the kitchen and living room were basically in the same room.

"May as well, as I have no privacy in my room now, Haz" I emphasise Harrison's nickname. He chuckles and shrugs, turning on the kettle and getting three mugs out. I head back into the living room, sitting on the arm of the two person couch right next to Tom and handing him a bag of crisps, wanting to figure out why he was acting weird. He takes them without speaking, looking at the tv.

"Hey" I say and I feel him tense as my leg touches his arm, I shiver slightly but not noticeable enough for him to know,

"Uh hey" he says, glancing at me quickly..Was I making him nervous?
"Tom are you sure your okay?"
"Yup definitely" he nods quickly and glances at me again before changing the tv channel to make it look like he was watching it, we stayed silent for atleest twenty seconds.

"Where is ha-" I start when suddenly Tom starts tickling me, making me burst into laughter, his hands all over my waist and sides, completely messing me up. I end up being thrown over him and onto the couch, him still violently tickling me as I laugh uncontrollably.

This goes on for a while until he randomly stops and keeps his hand on my waist. We both lock eyes, everything felt oddly blurry except for him. I felt blush go onto my cheek as he suddenly becomes flustered again, his eyes landing on my lips:

"You guys okay?" Harrison says and suddenly we both jump and straighten up, clearing our throats
"Uh yeah" Tom says still watching me as I nod.

They ended up playing on Harrison's Xbox while I sat behind them and made comments every now and then. For some reason while they were playing minecraft Tom still glances at me a lot, he ended up barely being able to place three blocks without dying. He looked at me and smirks before finally finishing his house. While Harrison already had full diamond armour and netherite tools, Tom had a plain wooden house in the shape of a square.

I'm confused

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