Author's Note

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Hey everyone! I decided to do the Open Novella Contest this year (mostly to just challenge myself and to increase my word count, haha) so this is the story that I'm going to write for it. My story follows prompt #30 of this year's ONC, which is...

"You make your living by copying others' memories and selling them to people who want to remember things they've never done."

I didn't really follow the prompt exactly, so there's gonna be a few tweaks here and there. But for the most part, everything's the same.

Please note that I wrote this novella in three months, so there's bound to be some errors and plot holes. Of course, I'll try to fix these as soon as possible, but if you spot an error or something that's confusing, please let me know! (Also, I don't really edit that much... so excuse the poor word choice sometimes, haha.)

I also decided to try my hand at writing an agender protagonist! (They were inspired by one of my friends, who recently came out as agender, and also from a previous idea I had based on an agender protagonist.) If any agender person reads this novella and finds some errors in how I  portrayed the protagonist or anything else relating to the agender subject at all, please leave a comment letting me know!


So without further ado, here's my entry for ONC 2020! I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it!

–Mei :)

Dreamcatcher (ONC 2020)Where stories live. Discover now