I was laying in bed tangled in Bucky, his arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together, my fingers gently stroking up and down his arm as my eyes wandered around the room, all sorts of things running through my mind

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I was laying in bed tangled in Bucky, his arms wrapped around me and our legs tangled together, my fingers gently stroking up and down his arm as my eyes wandered around the room, all sorts of things running through my mind. I felt his arms tighten around me and his face snuggle against my neck as he started to wake up.
"Morning beautiful" he said quietly pressing kisses behind my ear.
"Did you get any sleep?"
"Some" i nodded and shrugged a shoulder before turning to look at him. Bucky was so beautiful, i could look at him forever and never get tired of the sight. "I love you" i said trailing my fingers over his beard, a smile spread across his face instantly.
"I love you more"
"Sure you do" i rolled my eyes before giggling as he started to tickle my sides.

After finally dragging ourselves out of bed we went down for breakfast, Steve was already sat down with the girls, Rosie sitting in his lap.
"Morning" he looked up smiling as we walked in.
"Hey pal"
"Morning Stevie" i smiled before walking over to the coffee pot.
"You feeling better? Get some sleep?"
"Mmhmmm" i nodded before taking a seat next to Brooke.
"She got a couple of hours" Bucky added sitting across from me next to Allie.
"Good, Becca called earlier by the way, wanted to take the girls out for the day. She said you were okay with it, she asked at the party?"
"Oh yeah she did"
"I told her i'd drop them off on my way home, i need to go grab a change of clothes"
"That'd be great actually"
"Thats settled then. I was thinking, you should call Sam and report Jacks call last night.... they should have record of it"
"Yeah i thought so to" Bucky nodded taking a mouthful of his coffee.

 they should have record of it""Yeah i thought so to" Bucky nodded taking a mouthful of his coffee

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Steve and the girls had left half hour ago and the house was eerily quiet without them around. Bucky had called Sam and told him all about the phone call i had received from Jack, Sam was going to look into it ASAP.
We had settled on the sofa to watch a movie and make the most of some alone time with no interruptions from the girls. It quickly led to a heated make out session and some good old fucking on the sofa.
"Your sofa is better for this by the way" Bucky chuckled as his ass squeaked on the leather making me cackle loudly.
"My sofa is definitely better for this" i agreed "We should probably get dressed before Steve comes back, i dont think he'd appreciate walking in to our naked asses on the sofa" i laughed against Bucky's chest.
"Yeah i guess so".

We reluctantly started to gather our clothes and get dressed, a cell phone ringing got our attention. We both started lifting various items of clothing looking for the phone.
"Its yours" i said handing Bucky his phone before pulling my sweater over my head.
"Barnes" he answered in his 'work voice' "you're fucking kidding me..... no! Chloe that should have been done last week and filed already!" He moaned running a hand through his hair "he wont accept it until i sign it? Fuck sake!"
"Bucky if you need to go in i'll be okay" i said quietly so Chloe wouldn't hear me.
"I'll be there in 20 minutes" he snapped before hanging up the phone "I cant believe that girl sometimes! i told her to file this case a week ago! Now they need my signature...."
"Its fine Buck, Steve will be back soon anyway i wont be alone for long. I'll lock the door once you leave and set the alarm"
"You sure? You could come with me...."
"Id rather just stay here, i'll go have a bath and maybe try and get some more sleep now you've worn me out" i chuckled.
"Oh but now i wanna stay and join you!" He moaned leaning in to kiss me.
"I'll wait for you to get back for the bath then"
"I'll be quick!" he laughed jumping up getting his keys and heading out. I couldn't help but laugh at what a dork he could be at times. I watched him drive away waving through his open window then locked the door behind him once he was gone and set the alarm before heading back into the living room, i straightened up the sofa and made sure it was clean and tidy before making my way into the kitchen.

I was wiping the table over clearing up bits of cereal that the girls had spilt when my phone started ringing. I thought about ignoring it at first, i wasn't in the mood for another call from Jack! But then i thought it might be Bucky or Steve checking in so went back to the living room to get my phone.
I was a little surprised to see it was Sam calling me.
"Hey Sam, you looking for Buck cause he's just had to go into work real quick"
"No, no I'm not looking for Buck, wait are you at home on your own right now?"
"Yeah, he'll be back within the hour, im fine the doors are locked and the alarm is set"
"Y/N i need you to stay calm and listen to me...... i need you to leave, just get out of that house" he said sounding panicked.
"What?.... why?" I felt my heart start to race.
"I traced that call, it came from within the house!!"

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