

"Sounds like a plan."

The bell rings.

"Son of a bitch!"


Anx's POV

It's Thursday, which means Logan and Remy will be there today. It also means that Logan and Roman are walking with me to the lake.

Logan says he and Remy are making good progress, so that's good I guess..

I don't know if I'm ready to go home yet.. But it's for the best so, I guess I just have to enjoy the rest of the time I have here.

"Why isn't Patton coming today? You'd think he'd want to see Virgil." Roman spoke up.

"He said he was busy but he'd come another day." Logan replied.

"Well, we're here, so.." I mumbled as I pushed through the vines.

"Sup Anx." Virgil waved from the ground, with Remy standing behind him facing the opposite direction.

"They're here?" Remy turned around to see Virgil's nod. Virgil went to hold onto Remy's ankle but Remy backed up instead. "Hold on." Remy reached into the bag he brought and pulled out a retractable dog leash.

"You want me to leash you?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.

"It'll be easier to work with, plus it's all I could get." Remy responded, clipping it to his pants and handing it to Virgil.

Virgil shrugged and I put my hand on his head so the others could see him.

"Hey guys." He greeted Logan and Roman.

"Hey!" Roman replied.

"Remy, what's with the dog leash?" Logan inquired.

"So it works then." Remy smiled, "So anything that is being touched by Virgil or Anx can be seen in a different dimension. As long as Virgil holds onto the leash and Anx, you can all see me."


"Cool." Roman sat down next to us and pulled out his phone. "So what are we watching today?"

"We won't be long." Logan assured.

Somehow I doubt that.


Lemonade mouth is amazing.

"Alright, we're ready." Logan informed.

"Hold on! It's almost over." Roman waved him off.

Logan sighed and backed back up.

"I like that movie." I responded as it ended, "I don't think we have it in my dimension."

Roman gasped, "No! I'm so sorry for you."

"I think there was something about an orange and a dance group though?" I added, "Not entirely sure if that's related but it could be."

"So, tell me." Logan grabbed our attention. "Have you thought about how hidden this area is?"

"I mean.. I guess?" Virgil shrugged.

"The other side of the lake is easily accessible. This portion however, it seems could've been hidden for a reason." Remy added.

"We've decided to think of it as a rift. A place between our two dimensions, and who knows how many others." Logan continued.

"Other dimensions? How do we know there are any other dimensions?" Roman questioned.

"We don't." Remy answered.

"But this would be the place where they all combine. This is the place that is the same in every dimension." Logan elaborated.

"We also believe the key of returning lies here." Remy added. The sun had long set as we watched the movie so now it's nighttime. Remy plucks one of the flowers that looks like it's glowing and from the place it was plucked, a baby flower immediately grew back in its place.

"See that? That is unusual." Logan pointed out.

"I plan on doing more research into the plant life here." Remy informed.

"As am I." Logan plucked another flower and the same repeated, "Who knows? In time, we may be able to find a solution."

"How are you guys getting so much done together when you only see each other three times a week?" Virgil asked in clear confusion.

"Well, Remy and I have come to believe that we.. are likely parallels of each other."

Remy continued, "We're not exactly the same, but it's quite often we meet and have similar ideas."

"But if you guys are mirroring, isn't that bad?" I spoke up.

"Ah, no. Only when you two do." Logan pointed to me and Virgil.

"Fun." Virgil sighed, "So did you guys finally tell Patton?"

"Yep." Roman popped the p.

"So where is he?"


"Oh. Figures I guess."

"Can.. Can we watch another movie?" I suggested.

"Absolutely." Roman agreed.

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