Naruto in love? (NarutoXHana)

Start from the beginning

'This was perfect Hana had a way out.' Tsume thought. Behind her Kiba smirked before whispering to him mother. She had the ability to ask whatever questions she wanted to the challengers. "Both of you step forward." the other man came and stood a few feet from Naruto. "both of you tell me why you want to marry my daughter." Naruto froze, could he tell her. Toro gave some half assed story about how he admired her and her talent with animals. then it was Naruto's turn.

Everyone watched his as he stared at Hana. "I've been in love with her since I first saw Hana when she picked Kiba up from the academy, even then I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. I tried so many times to tell her how I felt but I could never get the words out. Even after all these years and then being away from the village I only had one girl on my mind. I love how she cares for her family and her partners, I love how ruthless she can be when angered, and most importantly I love her enough to let her choose if she wants to spend her life with me or not. Even if I went on to become Hokage my life would be empty without her in it." he finished and sniffles could be heard.

"Naruto that was beautiful." Kiba said trying to dry his eyes. Naruto sweatdropped at the dramatics of his friend. Tsume sighed her son would be punished later.

"Take your Positions, First one unconcious or to forfiet loses," the two faced each other. "Fight!" 

Toro and his dog ran at Naruto trying to punch him. when Naruto delivered a swift kick to the large mans stomach sending his across the grounds. He waited and waited finally someone went to check on him.

"Hes out cold Tsume-sama!" the girl called out.

"Naruto Uzumaki is the Winner by Knock Out!" she yelled out. The crowd was shocked just how strong had the kid gotten while he was gone.

"Hey be sure to mention when he wake up he got defeated my a genin." Naruto told one of the people who had the unfortunate privilege of carrying the man to the hospital. That made the crowd snicker.

"Come inside Naruto so we can talk." They headed inside until an anbu stopped them.

"Excuse me Tsume-san Naruto is need by Hokage-sama urgently." the masked anbu spoke. Naruto sighed.

"take this and I will be there soon." Naruto handed him a three pronged kunia, he seemed shocked but nodded. He then turned to Hana. "Will you give me the opportunity to love you? I will give you until I get back from my mission for your answer." He placed a kiss on her hand before he disappeared in a white flash. Hana fought a blush. Her brother turned to her with a growl.

"You better at least give him a date. He's been pining after you for 9 years now. Your the only person I've ever seen him get nervous around.'

"Kiba, thats enough, Naruto has given your sister the option to refuse so its her decision." He bowed his head to his mother in submision.

Naruto appeared next to the anbu taking the kunia back before entering the office. He didnt even get to say hello. "the Kazekage Gaara has been kidnapped by Atkasuki. You three leave in one hour to head to Suna." Suddenly Naruto was gone again much to the shock of the people in the room who recognized the jutsu. They Once again had to cover their eyes from the bright whitness that appeared when they saw an unconscious Garra over his shoulder and the bodies of two Atkasuki members.

"What but how?" Tsunade stuttered while Sakura snapped out of it and started healing the Kazekage. "Jiraiya didn't tell us you learned that."

Naruto frowned,"Jiraiya didn't teach me anything except the rasegan. Anything he told you he taught me was a lie. I learned many things in the years I've been gone and none of it was from him. Actually for the last year I wasn't even with him he was being followed around by a clone and didn't even notice." Tsunade glowered.

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